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8 Signals You're Engaged to Someone Who Isn't Respectful of You

Making a relationship succeed requires a lot more than simply love and dedication.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

If you are a big admirer of love, you most certainly wish to be in a relationship with someone who makes you happy and content. You want to spend the rest of your life with the person who constantly brings a lot of joy and brightness to your days, and you want to establish a relationship that is long-lasting and robust. Of course, things aren't always as straightforward as you'd want them to be. Making a relationship succeed requires much more than simply love and devotion. A mutual feeling of trust and respect is always required for a marriage to last. And if there is a substantial manque of respect in a relationship, your marriage will have a very bleak future. When you sense a lack of respect on your partner's side in your marriage, you must take action. Remember that you are only human, and you can only take so much abuse and contempt. So, once you notice that you are being disrespected, you must be able to speak out and effect change.

Otherwise, you know you're giving your spouse permission to abuse you. You are demonstrating that you are tolerant of things that you should not be tolerant of at all. In a marriage, you must be willing to put your foot down and fight for what you believe in. Otherwise, the marriage will simply make you sad, which is not what you want for yourself or your partner.

1. Your spouse avoids visiting your friends and relatives.

It is blatantly disrespectful to your partner to think it is unimportant for them to become more involved with the significant individuals in your life. Every facet of your life, including the people you love, should be welcomed by your partner.

2. Your ideas and opinions are being ignored.

A relationship should always make you feel as though you are being heard and cherished. And you can see there is obvious disdain when you are pushed to feel differently. Your partner doesn't respect you enough to listen to you out and genuinely pay attention. Your spouse doesn't frequently offer you the affirmation you deserve, so your ideas and feelings go unrecognised and unheeded.

3. You don't really participate in your relationship; you mostly watch it happen.

You are constantly given the impression that your views and opinions are worthless. Because they don't respect you enough to put their faith in you to run the relationship, your spouse always makes the decisions.

4. You receive the cold shoulder from your lover.

Your spouse would prefer not talk to you about the topics you wish to bring up. Instead of speaking to you like an adult, your partner would much prefer to ignore you. When you need honest words, your spouse is disrespecting you by remaining silent.

5. Your partner insults you in an effort to make you feel guilty.

Your lover is not simply being critical of you out of concern or affection. They aren't doing it to foster your own development and advancement. They insult you intentionally to hurt your feelings and make you feel horrible. And it isn't just rude; that is downright cruel. And you shouldn't have to put up with a spouse like that, either.

6. Lies are told to you all the time.

You have a spouse that doesn't value you highly enough to think you deserve the truth all the time. Your spouse believes it is OK to lie to you and withhold the truth from you. When it comes to being honest, this individual doesn't truly believe in the ideas of loyalty and trust.

7. Your spouse constantly behaves so egotistically.

If your spouse is self-centered, you already know that they don't value your wants and expectations enough to show them any consideration. Absolute selfishness has no place in any form of relationship, and you shouldn't put up with it in your marriage either. Your partner must be able to put the requirements of the marriage ahead of their own personal interests.

8. You are not treated equally by your spouse.

Simply put, you are married to someone who regards themselves as superior to you. You are constantly made to feel little and unimportant. You are constantly taught to feel inferior to who you really are. Your spouse doesn't value you enough to treat you fairly. It seems as though they don't value you as a person in the same way that they do, and that's blatantly disrespectful.

Bad habitsTeenage yearsSecretsHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDating

About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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