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Storm In A Magic Teapot

For The Vocal #200 Challenge and Gary Ragnarsson "Season of The Crystal Globe" Challenge

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
AI Image From The Author


This is for the first part of Gary Ragnarsson's Challenge that you can read here, the Storm In A Teapot one

I have a magic teapot. It's the morning of December 27th and I am having a hot cup of tea, looking out of the window at the snow falling. The milk was frozen in the bottle when I brought it in this morning and had to scoop it out with a teaspoon and let it melt into my tea.

I use teabags and love Yorkshire Biscuit Tea, Tea and Bisuit in a hot drink in front of a fire.

I rub the teapot and a voice tells me my Vocal aspirations for the coming year when I ask it:

Q: How has the past year on Vocal shaped your goals for this year?

A: My success on Vocal has given me the confidence to write more and more. I have built up a good audience and even got a wrothy story as my most read. It has become clear that Vocal do not see me as a creator, just someone who pays a monthly subscription and writes the odd useful article.

Q: What genres or writing forms do you wish to explore?

A: I have written in every community, I doubt I am the only Vocal Creator to do that, but I am always looking for new avenues to explore. Today I used two new (to me) poetry forms. Pantoum and Triolet.

Q: What skills do you want to hone?

A: I want my grammar to be better and want people to see me as a creator as well as a friend.

Q: How often will you write?

A: This is my fourth story today and expect my two thousandth story to be published before the first of March. Generally two stories a day, except when I am away on short holidays.

Q: How often will you read other creators' work?

A: I have liked over ten thousand Vocal Stories an I have lost count of how many I have read, commented and hearted today.

Q: Who will you collaborate/connect with on Vocal?

A: While I have created about twenty guides Vocal has only put two into resources . I have collaborated with a few Vocal friends but this project looks very worthwhile. There is someone I would love to collaborate with, but the only current creators so far have been several poems with my Vocal Sister Melissa Ingoldsby and Mariann Carrol. Both are on my Creationati list on my Vocal Profile if you would like to explore their work.

This is a great idea from Jennifer David

Q: How will you support other creators?

A: In the Vocal Social Society each weekend we run the Dynamic Duo to highlight new creators who interact with the group and we do the Community Adventure where we feature stories by members and non-members to give them extra coverage. Examples below.

Q: How will Vocal challenges help shape your creative journey?

A: Vocal Challenges are just prompts to me I enter most of them, but know I am unlikely to be placed because there are so many entries, but I am likely to hit fifty thousand reads soon, so I know my work must be going in the right direction.

Q: Is there a specific piece you want to finish or work on?

A: I always finish my stories but am working of two more poetry anthologies which will be my sixth and seventh. One will be for my Plagiaristic Poetry series. This is one of my current ones.

Q: What do you want your impact to be on Vocal?

A: I would like to be recognised by the vocal Team as a Creator

And these are the answers that my magic teapot with the storm brewing inside of it, gave to me on that cold winter morning.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

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Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    Forgive me for asking this Mike but what does Vocal have to do for you to feel recognised as a Creator? Because you do get Top Stories, a few of your guides have been added to Resources, you've finallyyyyyy placed in a challenge, you'll soon hit 50k reads, 2000 pieces, and 1000 subscribers. If all of these doesn't make you feel like a Creator, I would like to know what would? I'm genuinely curious and care for you and that's why I'm asking. I hope you don't mind. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

  • Gary Ragnarsson5 months ago

    A very interesting way to kill two birds with one stone, Mike. I very much enjoyed this and congratulations on the 50k reads!

  • norsemaison5 months ago


  • Could I borrow your teapot, Mike? I'm at a loss. And yes, you are a creator, especially as a poet.

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Nicely done! That pic is so cool.

  • John Cox5 months ago

    Most creative approach to the 200 challenge to date. What does it mean to be acknowledged as a creator by the Vocal team? Is that a special honor? Good read. Your output and reads are astronomical!

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Creative take on the challenge!!! Love it!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Sandra Tena Cole5 months ago

    What an interesting mix! 💜 And I think it's fair to say that we indeed see you as a friend as well as a creator xx

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