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A Very Honest Set of Goals

Disclaimer: This article contains coarse language and brutal honesty, reader discretion is Fucking advised.

By Donna Fox (HKB)Published 5 months ago Updated 4 months ago 6 min read
Top Story - January 2024
A Very Honest Set of Goals
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This article contains coarse language and brutal honesty, reader discretion is Fucking advised.

For those of you who have read my latest piece, I’m on a Time Limit, you will know that I was playing with the idea of stepping away from Vocal to better focus on my personal writing goals.

Well, I want to put any unease I may have caused to rest. I have decided to stay on Vocal and will still be an active member of the community as much as I can. But perhaps at a lower capacity than expected.

I plan to take a step back so I can focus on my writing more and through the course of this article I will outline how/ why I plan to find a much-needed balance between the two.

As the saying goes “I’m planning to be a background character and less of a main cast member”. 

Not sure if it’s a real saying or if I made it up… 🤔 Anyways…

I want you to think of me like Ginny from HP. Meaning I will poke my head out now and then but won’t be as prominent as I have been this last year. Still magical but not a focal point and I’m really excited about it.

Haha… I think I’m punny.




That being said I would still like to take a moment and celebrate some of my successes from this past year because that’s important!! 

Right D? 😉

So here’s a quick highlight real of my 2023:

  • 21 top stories (none before this year)
  • 105 stories published in total (on Vocal)
  • 102k + words published
  • My best/ most read story was The Vocal Graveyard
  • Published one book on Amazon: Jogger’s Trail

“Wait… look, it all sounds great when you say it like that. But the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I nearly always had help…”

- Harry Potter in The Order of the Phoenix 

Couldn’t have said it better myself and I’m not even going to try to!

I feel that’s the best way to express how I feel about these achievements. Humbled and gobsmacked that I’ve even been able to get this far.

Am I proud of it all? YES! Am I blown away by those stats? YES!

But I am also super critical of myself and can’t help playing the ‘shoulda- coulda- woulda’ game. I think about how many pieces I deleted, that never saw the light of day. I think about how much of my writing I took time to create that will just end up dying here in my Vocal Graveyard and that kind of pisses me off. 

I’m a redhead… we redline a pretty quickly. It’s a thing, don’t worry about it.

That being said, I’m fired up and motivated and inspired to do better this year. Even though I did better than I thought, I still want to push myself to do better and do more things that bring me joy.

Like writing, lots and lots of writing!!!

So I have five goals for myself for this coming year that I would like to share with you all!

Goal One:

Publish and Sell More Books.

I have decided that my short stories and mini-series need to continue being enjoyed and loved because I’m still not ready to let go. So I will be collecting all of my stories with similar themes and genres to compile them into books. Then I shall publish them as I get enough to fill the pages adequately.

If you have any fun book titles you wouldn’t mind me stealing from you, please feel free to share them!

I also plan to continue working on my actual novel: Fox In the Hole. 

With the goal of it being published by spring so I can start writing the sequel.

So I will also be trying to use Vocal as a platform to not only give you all a taste of my work (3 chapters from Fox in the Hole) but also to start working on a little self-promotion. Hence where the selling more part comes in, with the hope that I can entice you all to at least a review for me! 😅

Also worth noting I am totally up for a one-and-one swap: I’ll buy yours and you buy mine kind of situation!

Goal Two:

Write more versatile pieces and try out new genres.

So I have already been dabbling in many genres; sci-fi, fiction, fantasy, dystopian, YA, horror, etc. But one category I need to get up the courage to try is Smut…. Yes, you read me correctly. Smut.

I’ve always been interested in it and somehow always accidentally write snippets of it into my work. But these bits always get edited out and never see the light of day.

Well, that is about to change. 😈

This is your warning to prepare thy selves, my piece called An Ode to my Breakfast is tame in comparison to my imagination.

Goal Three:

I aspire to win or place in at least one challenge.

I know. How bold of me to just outwardly say it, but I would love to have an achievement like that. 

That being said, one does not simply win a challenge because they desire it, they must earn it.

So here is how I plan to do that.

I plan to continue to work on my skills as an author by way of trying new narrative techniques and adding more rich settings and characters to my tales. Or at least using all the planning I do to create the characters in my writing, actually putting that stuff to use instead of letting it sit in my archives forever. I also want to do more concept and world-building, then find a way to work it into my writing in a natural way that doesn’t overwhelm the readers. 🥵

Goal Four:


One of the things I was most disappointed with myself for this past year was that I didn’t do nearly as much writing as I wanted to. I did a lot of reading and supporting other Creators, which was also wonderful. But it wasn’t the reason I joined Vocal.

I joined Vocal to hone my craft, do more writing and get some invaluable feedback on my work.

Mark and Dana have been my best critics, thank you, gentlemen!

That being said, I will be getting myself to do my writing before I hit up Vocal. This means I won’t be around to do as much reading as is my usual and I want to apologize for that.

But I also want to stress that I’m doing something with this goal that I’ve never or have very rarely done in my life. I’m choosing myself.

And it feels fucking wild!!!! In the best way imaginable. 🥰

So that being said, I’m going to be a bit selfish this year but I will still make an effort to pop in and check in on you all! I will try to do some reading but please know that this is nothing personal, I’m just choosing me this year!

Goal Five:

Enter Every Challenge.

I think another great part of my authorial development is to do more challenging of myself. Last year I only entered challenges that I thought were in my wheelhouse, but that didn’t do too much to build my skill set and expand my horizons. So this year, I am going to enter EVERY challenge.

Originally when I came up with this goal, I was only thinking of Vocal official challenges but now I’m thinking I’ll take on all of them. Whatever comes my way, will be my next challenge and I will meet it eagerly as I put up an entry to the best of my ability.

Yep, even poetry… sorry in advance!! 😂






Well, that’s my To Do List  Very Honest Set of Goals for Vocal 2024! Wish me luck and I shall also wish you all luck in achieving your goals too!!

As always, thank you for reading,

- Donna Fox (HKB)

VocalStream of ConsciousnessShoutoutPublishingLifeInspirationCommunityChallengeAchievements

About the Creator

Donna Fox (HKB)

Thank you for stopping by!! 💚💙💜🩵

If you are interested in longer works by me, I have two books published on Amazon.

Jogger's Trail and Fox in The Hole.

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  • Yusuf Alam4 months ago


  • Grz Colm5 months ago

    HKB..so much to comment on! I’m sorry I got to this so late. Top job and illuminating into your personality and goals. For some reason this line got me lolzzzz “Still magical but not a focal point”. 😆 I’m not sure I’ve heard of Fox In the hole..maybe I forgot. I like the idea of compiling short stories too!! ☺️ Your enthusiasm is infectious. I too would like to enter more challenges and be more daring. I only enter about 20 percent. So I’d at least like to enter 50 percent to grow as a writer. Anyway fantastic goals and have a nice life if we never speak again! 🤣

  • J. R. Lowe5 months ago

    "reader discretion is fucking advised" had me balling hahaha. But on a more serious note - loved this. Very relatable when you said you wanted to become more of a background character in order to spend more time on your personal writing goals. I definitely feel the need to do that sometimes, although admit I take it a bit too far and disappear from Vocal for several months at a time (oops). I think these goals you've written are something to aspire to. All the best with them!

  • Test5 months ago

    Marvelous work! Donna Keep it going—congrats!

  • I think you will meet all your goals. At the moment I think I am on my way out of Vocal, but I often feel like this and it will change. Well done with your deserved accolade and your amazing performance over the last twelve months

  • Really liked reading through this

  • 百里剑兰5 months ago

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  • Thavien Yliaster5 months ago

    Blossoming like the nine tails of a fox unfurling its magic to the world.

  • Novel Allen5 months ago

    Wow! Baby Donna has certainly grown up. It is great to see you breaking boundaries and soaring to the stars. It seems a lot of people are of the same mind. Growing in their personal lives and branching out. Best of luck in your new endeavors my dear. Congrats on everything.

  • As I return to my previous brand as a Vocal soldier of fortune, I appreciate your shared focus on the Challenges this year. ...even if that means more competition for me, lol But at least we won't come head to head in the poetry contests. That's one contract this mercenary won't sign—just can't conjure up poems like that.

  • Alexander McEvoy5 months ago

    WOOT WOOT!!! Amazing Top Story!

  • Mackenzie Davis5 months ago

    Congrats on TS!!

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    I lmao at the content warning. I love the goals you set for yourself, and I don't think it's selfish at all. If you want to reach your goals, you have to spend more time on yourself. I agree with the entering more challenges part as well. I did the same as you - only entered those that drew me in, and that has to change for me, starting with this one, which is something I'll speak of if I get around to entering this one. Sorry for the babble. I'll show.myself out now. Congrats on the TS

  • Dana Crandell5 months ago

    Admirable acheivements and goals! I'm still trying to prioritize things before putting mine in writing, but I'll be posting mine before too long. LIke you, I had considered leaving Vocal, but the community is incredibly motivational for me, so I'll be hanging around. I'm glad to hear you will be, too, even though a bit less active. Thank you for the mention, and I'll be happy to help out in any way I can!

  • Test5 months ago

    Brilliantly penned! Love your goals and the smut. Why the hell nor! And that bloody content warning made me laugh out loud! Good luck with your book (s) and all of yor writing endevours! And I will 100 pc review for you!

  • Natasha Collazo5 months ago


  • Kendall Defoe 5 months ago

    Okay, take a deep breath, and go... Good to have you back!

  • Hahahahahhaha yes I think you made that saying up and yesss, you're definitely punny! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ayyyy, thank you so much for that shoutout and I'm so happy you listed down all your achievements! Congratulations! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊 Also, I loved that you included Harry's dialogue! I'm so sorry but when I saw Fox in the Hole, I remembered Pigs in a Blanket! The way my brain works, it even surprises me! Smut ain't my thing but it depends on how sexually explicit it is. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and would read it. If I'm not able to finish it, I'd scroll down slowly so it registers as a read and leave a comment apologising to them for not being able to read. So no worries there, I'd read your smut if I'm able to! 😁😁 I'm soooo happy that you're choosing YOU! 🥰🥰🥰 As for goal #5, I'm feeling secondhand stress for you 😅😅 As long as you don't bite more than you can chew, then I guess you're good. I just don't want you to get too overwhelmed.

  • JBaz5 months ago

    I support your endeavour and wish you the best of luck. I have similar goals and wish to finish my novel. I stay with vocal because of the talent, it helps me better my craft. I will definitely purchases a book from you.

  • Caroline Craven5 months ago

    Go Donna! You’ll smash it! I think sharing your goals with people makes it happen! Good luck to you!

  • Mackenzie Davis5 months ago

    Oh best of luck, Donna! I'm so excited for all of your plans!! I know you'll smash them all! Gotta love the HP quotes throughout. Now you got me craving a rewatch (and probably a reread too!)

  • Mark Gagnon5 months ago

    As in the past, you can count on me to help you achieve your goals, except maybe the smut part. Not my style. Good luck, not that you'll need it and I'll be watching for your masterpieces.

  • Alexander McEvoy5 months ago

    Yay! Swearing! This is an awesome set of goals, Donna! And I'll make sure always keep an eagle eye out for your reads and comments when they come in (assuming I make the cut. Oh dear, I'm going to have to put in a lot of effort, eh? XD) I love the write everyday part of your challenge! I do my level best to write every day, but this year I'm focusing on my health. I doubt it'll detract from my writing, but seeing as I'm already not the most active Vocalite, I don't think anyone will really notice if I spend a little less time on here. Can't wait to review your books! I don't have anything near good enough to try and publish, but hey, maybe by December I will. Who knows? I see you commented on Mark and Dana leaving critiques, would you like me to also take a slightly more critical look at your writings? Either way is good for me :) LOVE THE ENTERING EVERY CHALLENGE BIT! They are such a wonderful... challenge, I guess? And a brilliant way to expand ourselves into genres or story methods we might not otherwise encounter! Your stories are always so entertaining that I can't wait to see what your wonderful brain puts out! Sending all the love to the girl from my province of origin! You're going to crush all of your goals this year I just know it!

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