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5 Reasons How Self-Love Can Boost Your Creativity!

Nurturing Your Muse: Weaving Self-Love Into Your Creative Journey

By Jule JessenbergerPublished 9 months ago 5 min read

For a while now, I’ve been pondering about the concept of self-love and how it connects with creativity.

I am someone who constantly reflects on life and myself because I think it’s important to work on yourself – not only as a human being but also as a creative. Therefore, mental health and self-work are important topics in my life that have a huge impact on my creativity, too.

That’s why I want to talk about self-love and how it can help you with your own creativity. But also because I want to fight a cliché in the creative world that drives me nuts:

The “tortured artist” who self-destroys and self-sabotages but is celebrated because of their art birthed out of pain and misery.

To be totally honest: It annoys the fuck out of me!

Nurture Your Muse with Self-Love, not Agony!

Not to say that you shouldn’t share your pain! It’s quite the opposite actually: Please, share it! Be vulnerable and show it all in your art!

It can be very therapeutic to do so, but then for the love of the muses please heal these parts of yourself that are hurting!

We don’t need tortured artists anymore who live in constant agony and pain because they think that’s the only way they can be creative.

We need self-loving ones who play with their muses and share wonderful art, while they take care of themselves.

Believe me: Self-love is like the secret sauce that can truly elevate your creative game.

Whether you’re a writer, artist, musician, or any kind of creative soul, here are five inspiring reasons why embracing self-love is an absolute game-changer for your creative journey.

1. Self-Love Fuels Your Passion

The simple truth is: when you love yourself, you recognise your worth.

This will not only affect your self-worth but also the worth of your creative passions. You will not settle anymore for anyone or anything that might put you down.

This means that as a creative you will follow your passions – no matter what! Because you simply know your worth. This self-assurance will ignite an internal fire, driving you to pursue your creative projects with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm.

Believe me.

Soon, you will become your own cheerleader, and that kind of support can take your creativity to soaring heights. Especially, when you’re someone (like me) who has connected their self-worth and creative passions to external validation. Yikes!

By the way, if you feel stuck with your creativity, it might be a sign that you indeed care too much about what people could be thinking of you.

I’ve been there and done that. So, no shame in admitting this to yourself.

It’s important though that you acknowledge this and then do the work to break the pattern and implement self-love into your life.

When I can do it, you can do it too. I believe in you!

2. Self-Love Banishes Your Inner Critic

I think it’s safe to assume that we all know the harsh inner voice that constantly criticises ourselves and our art.

I mean, we can be our own worst critic, right?! And damn, it can be so hurtful how we talk with ourselves!

But here we are again with the secret sauce of self-love.

Self-love acts as a shield against that pesky inner critic. When you love and believe in yourself, those doubtful whispers lose their power.

Imagine it like the scene of “IT Chapter 2” when everyone laughs at the creepy clown and they make it feel small. So, the creepy clown loses its power and shrinks. Which – fair enough – might not have been a super convincing scene in the movie, but it works as a metaphor.

As soon as you beat your inner clown with some self-love, you will also notice that you start taking more creative risks and embracing experimentation without the constant fear of judgment.

Your ideas will flow freely when self-doubt takes a back seat … or stays in the fucking sewer! … that clown just creeps me out.

3. Self-Love Unleashes Authenticity

If you look at famous creatives, you will notice that they embrace their authenticity. Whatever makes them unique is reflected in their art. They know who they are as artists/creatives.

And you know what I’ve noticed by observing my favourite creative souls?

Their creativity thrives on their authenticity!

And how can you be more authentic, my creative friend?

Well, here we are again: Self-love.

I know: Shocker!

Self-love will encourage you to embrace your quirks, flaws, and unique perspectives. You will no longer be shackled by the desire to fit into moulds or please everyone. Your work will become an extension of your true self, resonating with others on a deeper level.

4. Self-Love Boosts Resilience

Okay, here’s the thing.

It’s not always easy to live a creative life. It’s a journey peppered with challenges. There will be many rejections, failures, mistakes, and bad choices, while you open up to show your art to the world. It can be fucking hard and scary. That’s the truth.

But Self-love equips you with the resilience to overcome setbacks. You’re less likely to be discouraged by criticism or failures because your self-worth isn’t tethered to external validation.

Remember: you need to beat that creepy clown first! Then, you can beat all the other critics, too.

You’ll bounce back faster, armed with the knowledge that your creativity is an integral part of you. And you will also be kinder to yourself when you fucked up or received a nasty rejection. Because eventually, nothing can irritate you when you love yourself and love what you’re creating.

And if there’s something you need to learn as a human or creative, it’s resilience. I know it’ll be hard and scary in the beginning, but keep on fighting for your art and yourself. I promise it’ll liberate you and your art in the long run.

5. Self-Love Embraces Flow and Inspiration

Have you ever wondered how you can keep the flow of your creativity? Or in your life?

Me, too!

I had days when my creativity was just pouring out of my soul and I was stumbling after it trying to catch it. But then I had days when I couldn’t get anything from my muse. I felt so stuck.

But since I started to love myself more, I also opened the doors to self-care and mindfulness. Practices like meditation or morning pages created space for inspiration to flow effortlessly.

And I noticed as soon as I stop with my self-care and mindful routines, my creative flow would suffer. So, yeah, that’s also connected! Who knew?

Self-love will also allow you to recognise when you need a break and when you need to recharge. And rest is so fucking important for your creativity.

Damn, I had no idea!

The result of my constant efforts to take my rest phases seriously is a consistent stream of ideas and creativity that feels natural and refreshing.

So, you see? Self-love is integral for creatives.

Therefore, please, take good care of yourself, love yourself, and keep creating. The world needs your art while you make sure that you are the best and healthiest version of yourself.

And I promise you that your art won’t suffer if you stop suffering.

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About the Creator

Jule Jessenberger

When I’m not hunting demons with Dean and Sam or looking for hidden treasures with Indiana Jones, I’m writing stories or geeky articles, and sometimes (ok, most of the time) I’m fangirling about shows, comics, or movies.

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