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Embrace Your Creative Destiny!

Joseph Campbell's Inspiring Words That Propelled Me Forward

By Jule JessenbergerPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Hi and Servus, fellow dreamers and creative misfits!

Today, I want to spill the tea (or ink, rather) on how Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey” has inspired me throughout my very own journey to become a storyteller with big dreams. Even in the early times, when I haven’t known yet about the pearls of wisdom of Joseph Campell.

So, buckle up and let’s embark on an epic adventure together!

Oh, Mr. Campbell, you wise old sage!

This quote hit me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a stormy night.

Not literally, don’t worry.

In 2018, I felt stuck in my job even though it was a creative job and I was animating all day as a motion designer, my heart and soul knew back then: This is not really your bliss, girl.

Secretly, I’ve been dreaming of writing stories that could teleport readers to fantastical worlds for years! I had so many ideas, so many enticing characters, and different worlds that were trapped in my mind, wanting to come out and play.

But fear stared me down like a hungry dragon, whispering doubt and rejection into my ear:

What if my writing sucked? What if nobody cared about my stories? What if these are some weird fever dreams that are too embarrassing to share?!

It took me a few years before I finally I started to follow my “bliss” – as Campell calls it.

To be clear, there’s no mystical potion. Unfortunately.

It simply means that you should pursue what sets your soul on fire without caring about the outcome.

So, I tossed my fear aside, quit my stable job, and moved over to Canada for two years. There, I started writing my heart out. And I still do. Of course, there are still days of self-doubt and fears. And yes, I’m not super accomplished in my writing, I am also not a “best-selling” author or have sold any of my screenplays, but I keep writing. I keep following my bliss.

Sure, some doors slammed shut in the last couple of years but others swung open with opportunities I never imagined, like being able to study screenwriting at the Vancouver Film School.

Ah, yes, the sweet agony of leaving the comfort of a predictable life behind!

This quote struck a chord deep within me, urging me to break free from the mould society had cast for me. And to be honest, this is still the part that makes me most afraid: Letting go …

Of course, it’s never easy to throw a safe and stable life overboard to follow your bliss or dreams. There’s an inherited urge for safety in every human and I’d be lying if I say I don’t have that.

As I embraced the uncertainty of a writer’s life in 2018, I certainly saved up some money first and didn’t go into it blindly and without any financial stability. And I would never encourage you to just leap without maybe a little bit of a safety net.

Not because I don’t believe that your dream or ambition is strong enough, but because I’d never put so much pressure on my creativity.

Asking my muse to provide fully for me, puts a lot of pressure on her. And pressure might make a diamond but it also cages you (and your muse) into “making art for money to survive“- a mindset with an emphasis on “to survive”.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make money with your creations. I also would love to make a living with art. Netherdeless, it will force your creativity to make choices that are lucrative and not blissful.

And your creativity and art only want to do one thing: play and fool around with you. They don’t want the pressure to take care of you.

If that’s a new concept for you, I’d encourage you to read “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Sure, letting go of the life I had created for myself and that felt very safe was daunting, but it opened the door to the life that was waiting—a life of boundless creativity and endless possibilities.

A life to follow my creative muse around, not caring for anything else. Except making a coffee as I was working as a barista. You see I traded a big income job for a lower one to have more space to create.

Now, this quote spoke directly to my heart.

Campbell’s wisdom here is a gentle reminder that every creative soul needs a sacred space to retreat to – a place where ideas flow freely, distractions vanish, and the muse is ever-present.

For me, it’s my cozy apartment filled with plants, art that inspires me, and my collection of books. In that sacred space, I find myself reconnecting with my inner world and discovering the stories that beg to be told while NOT being distracted by my nemesis, The Internet.

So, a sacred place without wifi or any other distractions like a smartphone with social media is something that a muse prefers.

Another sacred space for me is nature, especially forests or just being close to the water. I often take my notebook and walk around in nature, allowing my thoughts to wander with me. Or I watch the elegant waves of a river and send my imagination on a wild ride, navigating through the ups and downs.

Whenever I notice that a writing block is coming up or I don’t feel inspired at all, I spend some good old alone time in my sacred spaces.

So, I encourage you to find your sacred space, whether it’s a nook in your home, a quiet park bench, or a bustling coffee shop, and let the magic unfold.

Listen to the call of your creative heart, chase your wildest dreams, and watch as the universe conspires to lead you to extraordinary places.

So, let’s raise our pens (or paintbrushes or whatever tool of creativity you prefer) and toast to Campbell’s timeless wisdom. Let’s dive into the caves of uncertainty, slay the dragons of doubt, and emerge as fearless creators.

The world needs your art, your voice, and your stories, so let’s embark on our hero’s journey together!

So, gear up, fellow adventurers, and let’s conquer the creative realm, one blissful step at a time!

#CreativesUnite #EmbraceYourDestiny #JosephCampbellWisdom #FearlessCreativity #FollowYourBliss #UnleashYourPotential #CreativeInspiration #PursueYourPassion

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About the Creator

Jule Jessenberger

When I’m not hunting demons with Dean and Sam or looking for hidden treasures with Indiana Jones, I’m writing stories or geeky articles, and sometimes (ok, most of the time) I’m fangirling about shows, comics, or movies.

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