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Life Lessons from "Good Omens"

Crowley, Aziraphale, and the Art of Navigating Good, Evil, and Everything In Between

By Jule JessenbergerPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Aziraphale x Crowley

Hi and Servus, my lovely friends, nerds, and in-betweens!

First of all: There are NO SPOILERS about season 2. So, relaxe.

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know this was coming. Yes, today I want to talk/write about “Good Omens” – that devilishly divine creation by the one and only Neil Gaiman.

The show’s second season has finally arrived and brings back our favourite quirky duo, Crowley and Aziraphale. And I fucking missed them! So much!

Also, I am (like every other fan) a huge fan of the performances of David Tennant as Crowley and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale, of course. Their chemistry and love for each other is palpable in every scene.

I’m convinced that this is also what makes that show so successful besides the great storytelling and creative filmmaking.

The fact that David Tennant and Michael Sheen also ship the two characters (me too, guys) is another favourite thing for me about the whole fandom.

But I digress.

Let’s dive into the marvellous maelstrom of moral ambiguity, comedic chaos, and the great core messages that make “Good Omens” just so fucking brilliant.

It’s all about the lighter and darker grey areas!

One of the most delightful aspects of this show is how it gleefully pokes fun at the whole concept of black-and-white morality, of “good vs evil”, of “heaven vs hell”, and of “right vs wrong”.

And I am all in for it!

“Good Omens” throws you into a world where the lines between good and evil are blurry. There’s not always the “right” way to proceed and especially Aziraphale struggles with that. He has been very devoted to God’s mission and commands if there wouldn’t be Crowley who questions everything and everyone.

The comedic duo practically redefines the spectrum of moral shades as they both navigate through obstacles that are thrown at them by their celestial bosses.

I love how they both always discuss what to do and even though their opinions often go in different directions, they share a common ground:

A deep and genuine care for each other.

Also, of course, they want to protect their sacred home – earth.

Therefore for me, “Good Omens” beautifully encapsulates the idea that life is more than just being “good” or “evil.”

It’s all about the nuances and your moral compass. You don’t need to just accept the conditions, ideas, commands, rules, laws, or regulations that are imposed by you. You are allowed to question and then make a decision for yourself what feels right for you.

You can disagree, but still accept each other unconditionally!

As I mentioned, Crowley and Aziraphale have a bond that’s loving, deep, caring and just endearing.

Sure, they come from opposing realms, but watching them bicker and banter while they both want to protect their home is as heartwarming as hilarious.

For me, they’re a shining example that you don’t have to see eye to eye (or wing to wing) to have an unbreakable connection. If you genuinely care for each other, you will find a way together – no matter your differences.

Because the main goal is that you together work to solve the problem.

Therefore, beneath Crowley’s and Aziraphale’s witty retorts and snarky exchanges lies a wonderful message about the power of tolerance and acceptance that transcends heavenly hierarchies and infernal inclinations.

And that’s why I love this show and its characters so much!

It encourages us to question norms, challenge stereotypes, and find common ground even in the most unlikely places.

In the end, “Good Omens” teaches us that life is a glorious mishmash of good, evil, and everything in between. It’s a reminder that even in a universe teetering on the brink of chaos, there’s room for laughter, love, and the occasional demonic temptation.

So, fellow curious souls, whether you’re rooting for Heaven, Hell, or simply hoping for a timely apocalypse, one thing’s for certain:

“Good Omens” will have you questioning the status quo, laughing at the absurdity of it all, and perhaps realizing that the real celestial magic lies not in the grand cosmic plans but in the beautifully flawed characters that grace our screens … and earth.

And isn’t that something we all need right now?

An unconditional acceptance and deep care for each other when we disagree?

I feel there’s so much change going on in our world right now.

Many things are questioned and a lot needs to be reformed so we can live in a better, inclusive, loving, and accepting world.

But I fear that during all that chaos and change, we forget that we are all humans on this earth. We are all in this together. We should work together.

We should accept the nuances of life and figure out how we can still live safely and lovingly with each other – like Crowley and Aziraphale.

So, my friends, nerds, and in-betweens, stay quirky, stay curious, and may your moral compass always point you toward the funniest path.

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About the Creator

Jule Jessenberger

When I’m not hunting demons with Dean and Sam or looking for hidden treasures with Indiana Jones, I’m writing stories or geeky articles, and sometimes (ok, most of the time) I’m fangirling about shows, comics, or movies.

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