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Sexy mother.... shut your mouth

A moment in insecurity

By ItsSiggyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

sexy mothers?

Yeah.... I’ve seen a few

Sexy pregnant women?

Yeah.... I’ve seen a few of them, too.

But do THEY feel sexy?


most times, the answer is “no”.

We feel like a mother-to-be.

Not our, typical “without” child-selves.


a cute little alien has taken over and controls everything, from our emotions to our physical anatomy.


On a nausea-free day, I’m vibing with thine tits perched and fitted skirts.

Other days,

I’m lounging about in hubby’s baggy clothes, struggling to find a comfy position because “baby” is the boss. Snacking, overthinking my weight, managing life per usual and if you’re a lucky mom-to-be, your hormones are active.

Do I still wear sexy lingerie?

Continue to get pampered? (nails, hair, waxing etc)

I didn’t.

I am not. (I’m 6 months pregnant btw)

I refused to buy more bras and larger thongs when I intend on shedding my pregnant bod afterwards.

But am I still sexy?

My husband says “yes”

And maybe it’s my insecurities but I feel men lie about these things. I’m emotional and he knows it all too well. No way he’d be an idiot and admit I look like the Grinch on Thanksgiving!

Don’t get me wrong here.


Sexy moments in pregnant time.

Where my hormones are over the thinking and the lady parts want what they want.

***If there are any expecting fathers reading this: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SEXY MOMENTS!***

We might surprise you

I find myself wanting to go above and beyond my normal sex zones. I mean, freaky!

But then

I feel so slutty

And I kinda like it

So why is it, I can’t seem to keep that InnerG all the time???

Always scrolling on IG and those voluptuous “models”. Catching rare “likes” from hubby on their pages and then suddenly, his reassuring words aren’t so anymore. I’m back in my head and judging myself, negatively.

Is it his fault?



Or baby’s?

I mean, should I even be upset that he still finds other women attractive?

See.... in my head again

Honestly, I’m conflicted.

He’s human damnit and even I can admit those women are sexy. Hell, I’d shoot my shot if I were a single man. And then there it is -SINGLE.

Which he isn’t! Therefore, he ain’t got no biz checking out another woman anyway.

But because he did, I seen it ANNND I also agree she’s worth the lust.... now I’m sitting there upset, feeling unattractive and def not wanting sex.

That one moment is gone and reality is; I’m a walrus. *def an exaggerated expression*

But you get the point....

Pregnancy is a pivotal time in a woman’s existence. She can come out of this process depressed and fat or happy and healing.

I’m not expert, I’ve only birthed 5 healthy starseeds.

I know a thing or two after traveling the same road several times.

Dear Women,

Take care of yourselves during this time, men won’t fully understand what makes a woman feel sexy and often that feeling is influenced from emotions. Embrace your new bod, love yourself in entirety and stop scrolling on IG sometimes. Be in your nowness and invite your hubby to that intimate space.

Sexy mother?

Yes, you can be her.

Sexy pregnant mother?

Yes, you can be her too.

Be kind to yourself by ALLOWING yourself to FEEL sexy. Admire the parts of you that you still consider sexy. Wear clothing that extenuates those features, though you won’t always have the energy to pamper yourself, that’s ok. Your body is modifying itself for mini-you.

You will have time to be sexy mom.

There’s so much pressure on being physically sexy.

I’m writing this story to be a voice of nature. To ignite a fire of love within yourself.

Because mothers and mothers-to-be deserve it.

When so much of the world is promoting birth control and abortions.

You chose life.

You are a GodIS.

You are the epitome of sexy.

How else was your mini-me created? You still got it girl!

And only you can FEEL sexy in your skin.

Sexy mother in insecurity.....

Shut your mouth


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    ItsSiggyWritten by ItsSiggy

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