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Famous Feminist Writers of the 21st Century

Feminist writers often deal with major backlashes from mainstream society — and that's why we should celebrate them. Today, we're going to look at the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century.

By Skunk UzekiPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Feminist writers are often the first ones to really get people thinking about what it means to be a feminist. They are often the voiceboxes that help men understand the struggles of being female and regularly spark social change in ways that others can't.

Writers who take on feminist causes are political powerhouses who use a pen to slash through tyranny — and that's why we need them in our world. After all, without people like Gloria Steinem in our ranks, many of the rights we have now wouldn't exist.

These awesome feminists have helped continue the work of the most famous feminist writers of the 20th century. So, let's take a look at the achievements of some of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century.

Margaret Atwood

If you have recently watched the Netflix Original series The Handmaid's Tale, then you have one of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century to thank. Margaret Atwood's science fiction dystopia was written during the 80s — but quickly turned into a cautionary tale of what could happen in the near future.

Atwood has always been an outspoken feminist and still encourages women to fight back against oppression that comes with tyrannical rule. If you want to get a better idea of what her goals were with The Handmaid's Tale, you can read an interview with Margaret Atwood to learn.

Just be forewarned, you'll start to re-evaluate your life when you get into her writing.

Naomi Woolf

Naomi Woolf, prior to her time as an author, was a top political advisor for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Her progressive and left-leaning ideals got her into feminism. After she published The Beauty Mythin 1991, she quickly became one of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century.

Her writing focuses on how society tends to force women into achieving a certain look, and how often women are discredited in mainstream media. If you're sick of being told to look like a Barbie doll, you'll adore her work.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

As of right now Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is one of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century specializing in intersectional feminism. Adichie's talent is bringing out often underrepresented voices from the feminist movement to the foreground, reminding us that we're all in this together.

Her writing takes a non-Western viewpoint in what feminism is all about, why it should be a universally appealing concept, and why many viewpoints help us become better as a society. Her top works include Americanah, Purple Hibiscus, and We Should All Be Feminists.

Caitlin Moran

Caitlin Moran is one of the most outspoken feminists to hit the book scene in recent years, and that's why one of her most recent books launched her into stardom. Her hit memoir, How to be a Woman, points out all the ridiculous double standards society has been dealing with the "fairer sex."

If you're sick of hearing comments from men and are tired of hearing all the little voices society puts in your head, Caitlin Moran's books are a breath of fresh air. Moran is known for being very blunt in her writing, and at the same time, being perfectly capable of showing her own struggles in her writing.

One thing that really separates Caitlin Moran from others on this list is that she often will chew women out for not fighting for their own rights. Her quote below says everything:

“We need to reclaim the word ‘feminism’. We need the word ‘feminism’ back real bad. When statistics come in saying that only 29% of American women would describe themselves as feminist – and only 42% of British women – I used to think, What do you think feminism IS, ladies? What part of ‘liberation for women’ is not for you? Is it freedom to vote? The right not to be owned by the man you marry? The campaign for equal pay? ‘Vogue’ by Madonna? Jeans? Did all that good shit GET ON YOUR NERVES? Or were you just DRUNK AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY?”

Khaled Hosseini

If you ever wondered if men can be feminists, you need to get introduced to Khaled Hosseini. This man wrote some of the most advanced feminist literature focused on the plight of women in the Middle East — and he also regularly speaks out against the oppression they suffer.

His hit book, A Thousand Splendid Suns, gives readers an amazing look at what happens when women in Afghanistan are left to fend for themselves. People who want to see the kind of struggle we could be facing, if certain people are given enough power, need to see what Hosseini's writing is all about.

Alice Walker

Most people already know this name as one of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century. Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, has been repeatedly applauded for her brilliant work detailing racial struggles, domestic violence, issues with misogyny, and more.

If you've ever felt slighted, or if you ever wanted to know what it's like to have to face oppression of all different kinds in your life, Alice Walker is one of the most powerful voices you can listen to. She's a poet laureate, a major activist, and has a natural knack for empowering those who feel powerless.

Maya Angelou

One of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century also happens to be one of the most famous civil rights figures of the 20th century. We're talking, of course, of activist, poet, and brilliant writer, Maya Angelou.

She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011, and has written over 36 different books in her time. Maya Angelou might also be a record holder when it comes to degrees, since over 50 different honorary degrees were awarded to her throughout her tenure as a writer.

Her most famous novel, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, is a classic you might have studied in college. However, that's not all she's written. Anyone who wants to understand race and gender relations in the US should check out her work.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is the woman who won the popular vote during the 2016 presidential election, and happens to be one of the biggest feminist icons of the new century. She's famous for saying that "women's rights are human rights," and for being the first woman to run for president.

Believe it or not, she's also one of the most famous feminist writers of the 21st century, too. Her memoirs, as well as a number of books she published on the state of human rights, touch heavily on feminist subjects and inspire girls to continue the fight for equality, including her 2017 book, What Happened.

We'll always be with her — even if she didn't get to be the president we should have had.


About the Creator

Skunk Uzeki

Skunk Uzeki is an androgynous pothead and a hard partier. When they aren't drinking and causing trouble, they're writing articles about the fun times they have.

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    Skunk UzekiWritten by Skunk Uzeki

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