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Sunak: Would Stay On.

Sunak on ITV's 'Loose Women'.

By Nicholas BishopPublished 15 days ago 3 min read
Thoughts About The Future: Sunak.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he would stay as an MP if he loses the election. Speaking on ITV's all-female chat show the Prime Minister said "Of course, I'm staying on (if he loses the election). I love my constituents. I love my home in Yorkshire".

Sunak was first elected to parliament in 2015. Sunak's predecessors like Liz Truss and Theresa May stayed as backbench MPs. Contrastingly, David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister and gave up his seat as an MP because of the Brexit referendum. Boris Johnson gave up his seat and stepped down as Prime Minister because of the parliamentary committee looking into 'partygate'.

Many may be surprised that Sunak wants to stay on. Many thought the Prime Minister would return to California where he worked before as a Hedge Fund Manager. Sir Keir Starmer even made a joking reference to it the other week during PMQs. The fact that Sunak wants to stick around as an MP (instead of heading off to California) is quite the revelation. It is the first time, Sunak has discussed what he would do should he lose the election.

However, Sunak would not be drawn on the next general election. Sunak has only until January 2025 to call it. It seems according to Foreign Secretary David Cameron, the Prime Minister needs more time to make sure the "Plan is working". It seems Sunak is banking on one of his pledges. That is the first plane carrying migrants off to Rwanda. Sunak knows migration/immigration is the bane of many people's lives. So when these planes are Rwanda bound he will point out he is trying to tackle migrants.

So what about the NHS waiting lists and all the other pledges? Are they just meaningless murmurings of a desperate Prime Minister "At the fag end of his term in office" as George Galloway said. Or, by some miracle of Krishna (Sunak being a Hindu) Sunak's pledges will come to pass and save his brown arse!

The local elections crushed the Tories and at local by-elections too. Polls consistently show Labour will have a landslide victory. However, it seems at least publically Sunak is not phased. On 'Loose Women' when confronted about it, Sunak replied that the general election "Is not a done deal".

So does that show there is a bunker mentality in 10 Downing Street? Does it show a denial of the reality of what the polls are showing? Or do Sunak and co think that when the public comes to put their cross on the ballot paper, they will vote for familiarity? Despite 14 years of Tories trashing the country, the voters will think better the devil you know (The Tories) than the devil you don't (Labour ). Unfortunately, that could happen.

Sir Keir Starmer meanwhile has been laying out his pledges. Dressed in a plain white open-neck shirt Sir Keir stood at the podium flanked by his ministers like Angela Rayner and Rachel Reeves. Starmer outlined what Labour do when and if in office. Keir said he would add 6,500 more teachers, reform and get more staff into the NHS, balance the economy, etc.

Will Sir Keir reform or improve Universal Credit? This benefit system does need reforming. It should be a benefit of reward not one of oppression and fear as it is now under the Tories.

Even though Labour hopefully have it in the bag the general election is not a done deal. Unless Labour wins by a landslide as Tony Blair did in 1997. The Tories are wounded yes, but they still represent a clear and present danger. There's the SNP, Lib-Dems, Greens, Reform UK and Workers Party of Britain. How might they affect the outcome of the next general election?



About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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