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Donald Trump Indicted on Criminal Charges

This headline is about to become reality

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Donald Trump, the most crooked president in history, will finally be brought to justice. Photo:

It should come as no surprise to almost anyone with an average to high IQ that Donald Trump is in deep fucking shit. Only the segment of society with a double-digit IQ of varying degrees would debate how serious things are looking for Trump. Or deny that he’s done anything worth prosecuting.

It’s one thing to be caught with a bunch of classified files at your golf resort home in Florida. It’s quite another to have many of the top lawyers and political commentators discussing the FBI affidavit that’s been released and saying that in similar situations as this, almost anyone would be indicted and looking at a bad outcome legally.

I’m crossing my fingers and toes on this one. I have been adamantly against Donald Trump and his brand of racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia since the beginning. Prior to him becoming president, in fact. He has a history of being a really terrible human being from way back.

I knew that he was a morally bankrupt human being after reading his book, The Art of the Deal. I had heard about his practices regarding denying people of color approval for rentals he had managed back in the 70s. I knew his family history involving racism and other indiscretions. He also enjoyed walking in on underage girls changing during his Miss USA pageants. He enjoyed grabbing women by the pussy, his words. Being rich and famous had its perks, allowing him to be a sexual predator.

Then there are his business practices. For being such a supposedly “shrewd” businessman, he had been a party to six Chapter 11 bankruptcies. He’s defaulted on more business loans and payments than people could imagine. His now-defunct Trump University has stolen from and cheated more people than the number of lies and partial truths that came out of his big, loud, non-stop talking mouth during his four years as president.

Take your pick. Trump has caused so many controversies and embarrassments for our country. Photo:

To be clear: Numbers of Trump supporters who still believe in him and his racist and bigoted ideologies have directly accused me of being a hater of Trump. Let’s file that under the “NO SHIT, SHERLOCK” file. I absolutely hate the man. Probably more than any other American politician I’ve ever observed and read about.

I’m not a dummy. I have followed politics since I was a small child. I read the daily newspaper every day of my life, front to back. My school gave me an IQ test in the 3rd grade and received a score of 144. I was in the gifted and talented program in grade school through junior high. I’d like to think that I’m nobody’s fool.

I also escaped from the bigoted upbringing I was involved with during the first 21 years of my life while living at home and attending church three times a week. I feel that if I was smart enough to see through the smokescreen and bullshit that is organized religion, I’m also capable of seeing through Trump’s ignorant, narcissistic fucking ruse that so many ignorant Americans seem to be incapable of understanding.

You realize that while he claims to be a champion for the small, insignificant, poor segment of our society, he would never choose to have anything to do with them in real life? Other than to accept their donations to his reelection campaign. If you think you and Donald Trump have anything in common other than casual racism and bigotry, you’re dead wrong.

But perhaps that’s all you need in common to sleep well at night. If you feel that brown people, gay people, and foreign people who worship other gods other than Jesus are responsible for the decline of our country, perhaps you deserve to see what’s coming next for Trump. It’s going to be ugly, it’s going to piss you off, and likely, it’s going to land his morally bankrupt orange fat ass in prison.

I don’t only want Trump to pay for his numerous sins and rot in jail for the rest of his days, but I want his inner circle to fall, as well. And I want you to cry about it. I want to see you piss and moan, and lament that your demigod is finally answering for all of the shit he’s put the world through. I will not only be joyous, but I plan to be a bad winner. Rub it in a little. This will make me smile.

After all of the ignorant, racist, bigoted bullshit I’ve seen in the seven to eight years I’ve had to listen to Trumpanzees spout, I’m so ready for this. Decent people have endured far too many insults, disgusting racist and bigoted comments on social media, and bragging from people who don’t understand a bit about how a correct political system should work.

He knows the end is near. I hope he chooses to represent himself in court. A narcissist of his magnitude would. Photo:

Trump has made America the joke of the world. With his blatant lying (Over 30,500 occurrences during his time in office), making fun of disabled people, and marginalized groups, and sympathizing with white nationalists, he’s made us look horrible as a nation. He’s divided the country, made a mockery of the Republican Party, which wasn’t that respectable in the first place, and brought a level of shame to our once-great nation.

I’ve never been less proud to be an American than I have these last number of years that Trump has been relevant and held power. It would be amazing to see him have to answer for the many crimes I’m certain that he’s committed. I’d watch the entire court proceedings, even if I had to pay $99.99 for pay-per-view. I’d clear my work schedule completely to watch him make a fool of himself on national TV.

The division he’s sewn between fellow Americans here in the US is reprehensible. Not to mention his stacking of the Supreme Court with the biggest religious dickweeds known to man. I’m still so furious about what’s been going on with women’s reproductive rights and I’m sure gay marriage is the next thing to be taken away on the federal level. The damage this asshole has caused our nation cannot be repaired in a quick and timely manner, he’s likely set us back in time by decades.

Seeing his orange ass in an orange jumpsuit would sure be a wonderful start for Americans to be able to heal. If any of the Deplorables want to join those of us who are on the right side of history and truly care about liberty and justice for ALL, not just for all white people, we’d welcome you to our side.

That is if you’re serious about wanting to change for the better. We are not fans of hypocrisy. We do not appreciate what Donald Trump has done to OUR country. It’s time that we take it back and make it the kind of nation that is respected and admired on the world stage.

If you’re committed to making America truly great again after the damage Trump has caused and the laws he’s broken, look me up. I’ll be here fighting the good fight and cheering on the prosecution’s fight to put Donald Trump in prison where he belongs.

This is one of the numerous articles I read that has me feeling optimistic:

activismcontroversiescorruptionopiniontrumpwhite housepresident

About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)

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Comments (1)

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  • Angelina F. Thomas2 years ago

    I really honestly hope that I can find any sources to back up all the bad stuff you said about trump. How come I dont see it. No offense.

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