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Your End of Suffering

Make it a happy end and progress to a more fulfilling lifestyle.

By Konrad SzeklickiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Man with Fireworks (Pexels)

As a coach and hypnotherapist by day, I assist people with overcoming their personal daemons, limiting beliefs, emotional issues and traumatic experiences, amongst many, many other things...

And what I have learnt so far fills me with joy and optimism, as it seems there IS an end to our suffering.

Let me explain.

We tend to live our lives immersed in our 'stories' - things we tell ourselves and believe for them to be true. The vast majority of those stories are based on past experiences, other people's opinions, childhood and teenage trauma, our education, loosely defined cultural imprint, family behavioural patterns, our own habits, and so on. This list isn't comprehensive but it points to a certain truth.

The vast majority of our so-called Conditioning isn't even ours to start with. The way we think, feel and act very often stemms from things we were told or we observed and then learnt to mimic that behaviour in order to fit in, in order to belong. How much of yourself is showing through is a very individual thing but rest reassured that nearly all of that negative chatter that you might still have in your head didn't originally come from you. It is not OF you. It came from the External. It was once 'downloaded' if you please.

And so, by following the trail and identifying those rogue programs we can cancel our 'subscription' to them and stop them from being activated, allowing us to move on with our life. And here is the important bit.

Time and time again, I see people pointing their fingers at the World, blaming it for anything and everything. Those people distract themselves with technology (including TV and gadgets), work, sex and other addictions. They might also indulge in creating emotional drama in relationships with people around them or drown in seemingly endless self-pity and other behaviours that are deeply detrimental to their wellbeing and put them in the continuous victim stance, forver waiting to be rescued, for other people to do the necessary work.

And rescued they won't be. You cannot help a person who doesn't want (at least on some level) to be helped. And we are, as the saying goes, our own worst enemy.

However, there is a phenomenon that could be the saving grace of our species. You see, we tend to lack psychological distance to self-analyse and so we are stuck with those 'stories' that I mentioned earlier. We are so engulfed in them that we find it nearly impossible to pinpoint the underlying 'process' - the pattern of thought and behaviour that rules the way we operate.

Now, there is at least a handful of ways to get onself out of this spiral of suffering. By definition, other people aren't us, and so they have that aforementioned psychological distance and by being an observer they remain detached (more or less) from the whole situation. Getting some counsel from a trusted, insightful and intuitive friend or professional might provide us with valuble information to bring enough clarity in order to enable a breakthrough.

Next, there are also several personal development techniques aimed at re-creating that psychological distance in the safety and solitude of our home (like writing or recording a list of what troubles us regarding a given issue and then, after a break, analysing that list as if it belonged to a good, trusted friend; there are many, many other methods that can be utilised to that end by the way). Nearly anything that allows us to perceive ourselves from a perspective of another person can bring that much needed opening and, at the same time, by-pass our inner Resistance to change - one of my favourite topics which I will cover in my upcoming content.

What is more, meditation can also be an excellent tool of self-discovery and empowerment, bridging the Logical and the Intuitive, and enticing us to investigate new avenues of progress and introspection.

And finally, with the expansion of Consciousness the need to reach out for other people and external tools diminishes as we grow increasingly connected with our internal world and begin to transcend our chatter, that is then replaced by an ocean of inner stillness and silence filled with answers and solutions, an inner peace extraordinaire.

It can be had, as I can attest by my very own personal journey. And so, I am inviting you to believe in yourself and leave behind the suffering brought about by our unconscious society and decades of conditioning. Every experience is a lesson, and everything happens for a reason. Have courage to embrace it and you will find freedom once you are done.


About the Creator

Konrad Szeklicki

Hi and welcome to my page. As a creator, channel, coach and hypnotherapist, I am fascinated by consciousness, psychology, male/female dualism, sexuality, and the very nature of our reality. The Age of Consciousness has begun.Exciting stuff!

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