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Walk to maintain your Mental and Physical Health.

The benefits of walking on mental and physical health

By Carol TownendPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Walk to maintain your Mental and Physical Health.
Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash

I had to make the switch from running to walking when I was in my teens because I discovered that I had an in-turning ankle which made walking painful. This means that the bone of my ankle supporting my foot is not straight, it turns in which means that the bone-structure is weak, and does not have the strength to support my foot. This can cause excruciating pain to both my foot and ankle when running, and I had to find an alternative way to maintain my cardio and fitness levels, so I chose walking.

I must reinforce, walking can also benefit a person with chronic pain as it helps to keep the muscles and joints supple. However, as with any pain, it is important, even when brisk walking to go gentle and know your limits, otherwise you may put yourself in even more pain.

Walking is free, easy and a convenient way to get physical exercise, meaning that you can increase strength, muscle suppleness and get your cardio without using a gym. You can walk through woods, parks, commons, through a town, a forest, literally anywhere, all for free! Not only will you be getting your daily dose of exercise, but you'll also be helping to save the climate because you will be reducing pollution by not using cars or other forms of public transport.

Walking is great for your mental health. It increases serotonin which is formed in the brain, increasing the happy hormone. If you walk in the fresh air,, you increase dopamine which is a feel good neurotransmitter. Also additionally, sunlight increases vitamin D which plays an important role in helping the body to absorb calcium, which in return increases bone strength, it also helps in creating a path for dopamine release in your brain, and is good for your skin. However, it is still important to use a sunscreen in sunny weather, especially if the weather is hot, in order to protect your skin and reduce the risk of sunburn. Walking can also reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as many other mental health problems. It can also aid you into getting a good nights sleep. I have insomnia which can make getting a good nights sleep extremely difficult, however after a good walk, I always find I sleep better.

Walking can also help at times when things are really difficult. It can relax you and be used as a source of mindfulness, creating some relief from the daily pressures of life. Scenic routes alone such as walking by the sea, rivers, stream, in commons, parks etc, and anywhere where there is nature can help with this. Try walking through areas where there is wildlife around you and you'll soon have a smile on your face!

Walking can increase confidence and self-esteem. Even on days when I don't feel strong, I always come back from my walk feeling confident and mentally better about myself. Walking is a form of exercise that doesn't just induce physical strength, but it can make you feel psychologically better about yourself because it gets the blood circulating properly around you body and creates energy, which in return creates a sense of well-being within yourself.

By Danilo Ćalić on Unsplash

Walking combined with a healthy diet can aid in weight-loss and the maintaining of an already healthy weight. When done properly, it can be a great fat burner. The trick is to start of slow and increase your pace every week, while maintaining a healthy balanced diet. That is everything in moderation while eating a healthy range of protein, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and some carbs such as potatoes, pasta and rice. Try not to eat too much sugar as this can cause blood circulation to become sluggish, and switch white bread for healthy whole grain bread, preferably seeded.

The U.K. government recommends at least two and a half hours of moderate activity everyday. (accessed 02/06/2021 at 15:45pm. A 10 minute walk every day is enough to achieve some benefits towards this. You could spread this out throughout the week, and combine it with other exercise such as yoga, Pilates, weights etc.

Brisk walking can count towards your moderate activity, however as stated earlier, know your limits and go with your body, especially if you already have physical disabilities that cause pain. Start of gentle and increase the pace as you get stronger. Moderate exercise will increase your breathing and make you feel warmer, but don't worry about this, it is normal. However, make sure you have a bottle of water or juice with you as it is still really important to stay rehydrated even with walking.

By Damir Spanic on Unsplash

You can walk with friends, family, or even join a walking group. Walking with others will make it fun, and give you good company which in return, will motivate you to walk more

Music can also encourage you to walk, and again it will increase the 'happy hormones' as you walk. Music with a good tempo or beat can psychologically make you walk a little faster, and if you are alone, it can make you feel less lonely.

By RUPAM DUTTA on Unsplash

You don't need to buy expensive clothing for walking. Simply wear what is comfortable and weather appropriate for you. A good pair of joggers or tracksuit bottoms teamed with a t shirt is good for walking. Wear a good pair of socks in order to prevent your feet from getting sore, and a good pair of trainers (I find Skechers useful). If you are walking in a heavy terrain area, then you may find a strong pair of walking boots useful.

Walking is light to moderate exercise. However, it depends on the individual and the circumstances. Everyone can benefit from walking, though it is better to go at your own pace, and not force yourself to walk faster than is comfortable for you.

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About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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