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The One Thing You Need To Know To Change Your Life

You are nothing. Nothing you call yourself you are

By Carlos VelascoPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When I read this for the first time, it blew my mind.

Another aspect of emotional pain which is an intrinsic part of the selfish mind it’s a profound sensation of lack of totality, not being complete… because that, people embark often on a compulsive pursue of gratifications for the ego and things to identify with to fill the void that it’s felt inside. (Extracted from the book “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle).

This made me think a lot of things I had taken for granted in my life.

I have always been a very disciplined person that everything I ever wanted to achieve, I worked hard to achieve it, and eventually get it.

But the quote I mentioned made me think one thing in particular:


Why do I want that thing? What do I think I’ll become if a manage to get that thing that I want? Am I doing it because it’s something I genuinely like? Or is it something else?

By taking this lecture into practice and connecting it to my desires, I found out that almost all of the motives for the things I am pursuing are leading to filling the emptiness that I feel inside of me.

Why do I want to make money writing articles? Because it will show everyone that I’m capable of making my own cash.

Why do I want to be in a relationship? Because it will show how I’m deserving of being validated by another person.

After this self-analysis, I noticed that almost all of my reasons to do things were to:

a) Make me feel that I was good enough and capable of more.

b) Impress someone.

c) Feed my ego to believe that if I achieve those things I will be whole and complete.

Those things are so far from reality because…

I am already whole and complete

And so are you.

You have to understand that your possessions, your job, your social status and recognition, your knowledge, your physical appearance, your special abilities, your relationships, your history are simply identifications of the ego, that have to be based on external things. Because the ego doesn’t believe it’s safe to bet on you, instead is putting all of its attention to the future you.

Now you get why people that achieve everything they wanted feel the same as when they didn’t have anything?

The ego is a constant chase of external things to feel validated. Why? Because is constantly feeling threatened by the greatness of your existence.

So anything that you identify yourself with, it’s great and surely makes you feel proud, but that’s not you. It’s just the ego separating you from you recognizing your true power. And that power leads to an unquestionable truth.

And that is that you are already whole and complete.

You’ve always been. Just as you are. You just couldn’t see it. Now you can.

It’s a very beautiful thing to realize, but what about the things that I actually want to do that I know will help me to reach somewhere I want? Like working out or eating healthier? I said that I was already whole and complete, so why change anything if I’m already great?

The way I see this is that for me to still go after things that I know are good to me, I have to change my motive.

Why do I want to work out then? Because it’s good for my physical, mental, and emotional health, not because I want to get laid or impress anyone. Also because I like lifting heavy weights.

Why do I want to gain money from writing? Money is just a tool, and honestly, it shouldn’t be my highest priority because my main focus on this was always to help people with my articles. Money will come along when it has to. I love writing and that should be why I do this passion of mine, not from anything external of me.

Asking myself these questions helped me clear out the doubts I had with myself that I wasn’t good enough and I had to do something else to think otherwise.

Now my mind has been unclouded, and I hope yours too.

Final Thought

This comprehension gathered from the words of Eckhart Tolle, helped me realize that I’m very powerful on my own. That I don’t need anyone’s validation to feel worthy of good things. The reality is that I am just by being me.

I will continue to change my motives to do things, motives that come from the inside instead of the outside.

I encourage you to do the same.

I hope you learned something new today or just helped you to see a different perspective on life.

Thank you for reading this, I appreciate you a lot and I would love to read your thoughts on this in the comments.

We’ll see each other in the next post! Until then, thanks for reading.


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