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The essence of self-discipline is the realization of self-worth

How to achieve self-discipline

By Cecilia P AshfordPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Many people are eager to be self-disciplined and to become self-disciplined, we must essentially understand what the essence of self-discipline is, and self-discipline is the path we must take to become the kind of person we want to be.

For example, a good actor is bound to require himself to focus on body management, and similarly, an entrepreneur will also focus on his body management and energy management.

This tells us that if we want to achieve a certain goal and become the kind of person we want to be, then we need to understand that self-discipline is the inevitable path to achieving the goal and becoming such a person.

Self-discipline is also how we profoundly understand that self-discipline is also the fundamental path to achieving our self-freedom and self-worth. If we want to learn the highest level of self-discipline, we need to clearly understand the four advanced connotations of self-discipline and to profoundly know what to do to achieve our inner life growth goals.

Delaying inner satisfaction

Many of you may have heard of the marshmallow experiment, which tells us that one's self-control determines what kind of person one becomes in the future.

Psychology has found that those who are willing to endure for long-term goals tend to gain more later in life as well. This is what psychology says we need to learn to know

This is what psychology says about self-disciplined people who delay inner satisfaction. A person with the highest level of self-discipline profoundly understands that if we want to achieve self-worth, we need to learn which temptations to reject.

For example, for the self-publishing industry, we need to learn to actively wait for the time when no one is paying attention but also still maintain a good sense of creativity and the value we bring to others.

Without this good habit, many people are unable to persevere. So people who have advanced self-discipline, profoundly understand that postponing satisfaction is the necessary path to achieving our self-worth.

Just like Warren Buffett, the god of stocks, he was able to endure loneliness, fixated on the industry, and waiting for the spring bloom of that industry is also the same.

The person who postpones satisfaction is not blindly waiting, all his postponement is based on the law of growth, he profoundly understands that a person to grow or a thing to grow, all need timing, they are ready early, as well as ready to do their research and pre-judgment to seize this good opportunity.

Take full responsibility for your own life

Truly self-disciplined people are fully responsible for their own lives. They found a phenomenon that if we don't take responsibility for ourselves, then we will easily escape from our problems.

The advanced self-disciplined person who is not afraid of trouble is also fully responsible for himself. Most people can't be self-disciplined if they don't know how to take responsibility for themselves. We have a habit of blaming others for our problems and then thinking we are the victims.

All self-disciplined people, even if they know that someone has treated them badly, do not blame others for their lives, but know that they can take the initiative and choose for themselves.

I once met a man whose marriage was failing and he kept blaming his partner for the problems in his marriage, never reflecting on what he needed to grow in a relationship.

When he never sees that he should grow, then his growth will stop. So a person who is truly responsible for himself must be brave enough to face himself.

This facing yourself is a way of reopening your pain deeply and realizing again what homework you need to have to grow within yourself.

When you are not willing to face it, then your life will fall into a circle of avoidance. When you are willing to face it, your life begins to darken.

True self-discipline is essentially taking full responsibility for our lives and not blaming anyone, and we will then work hard and be brave enough to take on our life mission, which is the key to our growth.

When you become aware of yourself's homework of growth and happiness, you reap the rewards of sustained inner breakthroughs and you take life as an ultimate journey of submission and confrontation.

Consistently facing the truth

Self-discipline is not about moving yourself or moving others. Truly advanced self-discipline comes based on facts.

So if we are not producing results on our growth path, it is not a matter of self-discipline, but we may not be based on facts.

We are living in our world of mind, and if we create false self-discipline to face life, then we can't master the power of growth in life.

And the highest level of self-discipline is to keep seeing the truth, and that truth is the process by which we keep getting rid of our mind's assumptions and then gradually verifying them.

Being true to the facts is telling us that we need to understand that life is a process of constant change, so we need to gradually adapt to change if we want to make our lives better, and we know how to use new media and new tools to adapt to change.

If we don't know how to change, we will have a hard time accepting change, and we will even be extremely subjective about how we are very unlucky people.

We must profoundly know how to meet the various challenges of life, so we can embrace a better life. Life is such that we must learn to abandon the victim mindset and instead approach our lives positively with a creator mindset.

When you know how to fully respect the facts, you will be able to think of a way to keep growing in front of them. So all solutions are not based on mental images, but on the process of how we are going to respond to the facts when they come out.

Learn to maintain a high level of balance

The fourth advanced connotation of self-discipline is balance. Many people will realize the importance of self-discipline. But the difficulty with self-discipline is that it is a high level of balance.

This balance is a series of work and preparation for the temptations of life, which we need to know how to refuse and how to take full responsibility for our lives, as well as how to establish long-term and short-term goals.

So self-discipline is not easy for everyone, because it means that you have to take full responsibility for your own life and consciousness and that responsibility means not only rewarding and encouraging yourself, but also being prepared to work hard in the long term.

For example, we have to make sure we exercise and work out every day, but sometimes work comes and we don't need to fix to go to the gym at eight o'clock every day, but we can do it after work and schedule a walk for ourselves, then we will find that the growth of flexibility is essentially the ability of our minds to have good regulation.

So the test of self-discipline is our grasp of the ultimate goal and balance, but also our ability to grasp the balance between the present and the future, and also our ability to know how to do a good job in the ultimate management of life necessary homework.

The essence of self-discipline is a process of self-development and self-improvement, and only when we fully grasp the four essential connotations of self-discipline can we truly embrace self-discipline and achieve our life goals.

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About the Creator

Cecilia P Ashford

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