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Some black holes can erase your past, heres how

Black hole

By SunnyPublished 15 days ago 3 min read

If you fell into a black hole, it could change your future and erase your past. In theory, in our world on Earth, your past influences your future. But what if you were in space and encountered a different kind of black hole? Let's call it a benign black hole. Unlike a regular black hole, this type might allow you to survive and transition to a different, non-deterministic world. Some calculations suggest that these benign black holes could expand at an accelerating rate, offering a unique possibility for survival.
Imagine entering a benign black hole, its interior unimaginable. Communication impossible once inside. Let's focus on how to move past the past. Mathematicians study non-rotating black holes with electric charge. These black holes have both Event Horizon and Kachi Horizon. The Kachi Horizon is where determinism breaks down. Your past no longer determines your future. The Kachi Horizon offers a way to let go of the past. To reach it, travel to space, find a specific black hole, and reach the center. Alternatively, try not to make mistakes in your present.
Imagine this: your past doesn't matter because you have endless possibilities for your future. It may sound unrealistic, but in the world of quantum mechanics, anything is possible. You are not just a physical being, but a collection of information. Just like a USB drive or a book, your information will always exist in some form. Even if you were to be sucked into a black hole, you would still exist as information. As black holes emit radiation and eventually shrink, the information trapped inside them will be released in the form of Hawking radiation. So, in a way, you would still exist even after being consumed by a black hole. But remember, this is all just a theory.
Yes, keep in mind that nobody truly knows what occurs within a black hole. There is a white hole at the end of a black hole, and if you get there, you can do things like break your mom's favourite vase and pop it into the white hole, making it as good as new. You could also cook a scramble and make fresh orange juice, but you somehow lost your appetite. This theory suggests that what happens in the black hole doesn't really stay in the black hole, even though it sounds like a good alternative to Las Vegas if all the flights for the weekends have been reserved.
waste away It sounds really cool to turn time back, so I guess we might actually need a black hole to help us out. If a black hole was created in a lab, for example, it could eat things until it got big enough to consume the entire planet. First, it would eat the large hydrin collider, which might possibly create something similar to a black hole here on Earth. Next, it would eat Geneva, which is home to the large hydrin collider, then the entire country of Switzerland, and finally, Europe. At that point, it wouldn't be long before the Earth was gone too, fortunately
People We're talking about food a lot, so let's not forget about spaghettification. The idea is very simple; imagine using your force to stretch a piece of chewing gum so that instead of getting a regular piece, you get a long, thin one. The same thing happens to you; the black hole's force is enough to stretch you so that gravity holds you tight on one side, causing you to stretch. You might be wondering why you don't get spaghettified on Earth if gravity is so easy to manipulate; if you asked a butterfly to do the same with chewing gum• If you encountered a benign black hole in space, it might allow survival and transition to a non-deterministic world with endless possibilities.
Inside a benign black hole, communication is impossible, and the Kachi Horizon offers a way to let go of the past.
As information, you would still exist even after being consumed by a black hole, released as Hawking radiation.
A white hole at the end of a black hole suggests that what happens inside doesn't stay there, but this remains a theory.
Creating a black hole in a lab could have catastrophic consequences, consuming the planet.
Spaghettification occurs due to the black hole's force stretching you, held tightly by gravity on one side.
The Kachi Horizon of a black hole is where determinism breaks down and the past no longer determines the future.

According to quantum mechanics, information cannot be destroyed, so even if an astronaut passes the event horizon of a black hole, they will still exist in the form of information.

Black holes emit radiation and eventually shrink and disappear, but the astronaut will not be ejected in their original form but rather as Hawking radiation.

Some scientists believe that black holes may have portals called white holes where time can be reversed.

Black holes produce a lot of energy and release it as heat, so they will eventually fade away when they run out of fuel.

If a microscopic black hole were created on Earth, it would grow slowly and take a long time to absorb even a pound of weight, but it could potentially provide enough energy to power humanity.

The concept of spaghettification describes how the intense gravity of a black hole can stretch an object, and while Earth's gravity is too weak to cause this effect, it could happen in a black hole. The transition from our deterministic world to a non-deterministic black hole is possible, and if one survives this passage and moves towards the center of a benign black hole, they would be unable to communicate any interesting findings to the outside world.

To understand how to eliminate the past, we turn to the study of non-rotating black holes with an electric charge.

These black holes possess an important feature called the Kachi Horizon, where determinism breaks down.


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  • Alex H Mittelman 15 days ago

    Fascinating! Life is like a black hole sometimes! Very well written!

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