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About Mental Health

By collette_23Published 3 years ago 3 min read

If god (who I don’t believe in) created humans why are we so easily broken?

How can our brains be wired differently we are all made the same way?

How can there be so many ways of fixing physical injuries and infections but there’s hardly anything to truly fix mental health illnesses?

You go to hospital for a broken arm etc, but you go to a prison type hospital for mental illnesses why are we punished for something we can’t control yet if someone purposefully make them self sick or injured they get great treatment?

Why does it fall down to us to reach out and find help?

Why isn’t there more help for people suffering with mental health illnesses?

My brain is faulty, and I can’t leave my home, how can I go to the doctors, get my eyes tested or most important spend what little time we have left with loved ones?

Why does it fall down to me to open up to people?

Medication doesn’t work for everyone, but why? It’s a little unfair.

Why is it that only workplaces and employers understand better than some doctors?

Why is “The mental health Act” more helpful than doctors?

With 13% of the world’s population (971 million people) suffer with some kind of mental health illness why is it so hard to get help?

Why isn’t there a cure?

Is anyone working on a cure?

Is anyone even still researching it?

How seriously does the world take mental health research?

in 2017, research showed under 300 million people worldwide suffered from anxiety, with a huge number like this just growing why isn’t there more help?

Why is the only help medication that may not work, could make you worse, easily addictive or talking to a random stranger who spends their time always listening to everything that’s wrong with other people?

Why isn’t there more help out there? If the medication doesn’t work and you can’t talk to strangers even on the phone then I’m sorry you’re screwed.

Is mental health a cosmic joke?

Does anyone actually care or understand?

I’m not sure who needs to hear this but it’s okay to have a bad day, it’s okay not to be okay. Life has got you down and it’s kicking you left right and centre, but that doesn’t mean you should give up, even when it may seem life is kicking you harder than some people. It’s hard to watch some people living so easily but believe me they are probably just really good at hiding their suffering. But please never give up you are worth more than that.

I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault I know doctors try and I’m sure researchers do as well. These are questions I often ask myself on a daily basis, but I am lucky enough to have people around me who care and support me. It’s hard when you feel so broken and you feel like everything is crumbing around you. But there are people out there who care I am one of them you can find me on Instagram @julialcbrown2018 please if you need anyone to talk to about anything feel free to message me and I will do my best to help. I am sorry if you are going through a hard time even if it’s not mental health related I hope this message reaches anyone who needs it and I hope I can help. I know all I’ve done is ask a lot of questions and not really given any answers, but I don’t have the answers unfortunately, but I am a good listener and I give the best advice I can.


About the Creator


I enjoy writing, I am trying out some new stuff, some short 2-3 page stories trying my hand at erotic writing.

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