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Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

By Jonathan YankiePublished 3 years ago 8 min read

There are countless firsts in life, the first time to learn words, the first time to leave my hometown, the first time to face the world alone, and the first time to surrender my body. Perhaps for most men, giving up their body for the first time is not worth remembering.

For women, the situation is completely different. When talking about women for the first time, many people think of the "virgin complex" that is unique to men.

In fact, for most women, their first time for themselves is almost always unforgettable. I believe that many women still remember the first time, so why are women so impressed by the first time?

Social level: Under the confinement of traditional culture, women are more thoughtful for the first time

Psychologists generally believe that women's "sexual psychology" presents a regular development trend, and the "first time" is often unforgettable for them.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

When talking about sex, most people are afraid to avoid it. Even in a modern society with such a developed spiritual civilization, the prejudice and stigmatization of sex have not disappeared.

And this kind of prejudice and stigma are more passed down from the patrilineal society, so most of the prejudice is suppression and discrimination against women.

It was this stigma and dogma that made many women value themselves more than men for the first time. The impact of the social environment on people far exceeds people's imagination, and women's deep impression on the first time is also a product of the social environment.

Culture has a profound and lasting influence on people, and it is subtle. In ancient times, the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism exerted this suppression to the extreme, such as "chaste arches", "starving to death is small, and disjointedness is big", "good girls do not marry two husbands", etc. .

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

Therefore, women in the Ming and Qing Dynasties had to protect their bodies. Once their bodies were contaminated, she would be rejected and rejected by everyone. The terrible thing is that this kind of rejection is more from family members. From the same sex.

The society’s blind obedience to this dogma and restraint made women’s bodies at that time not belong to them, but to the general public. At this time, women did not have human rights. They were more like commodities and accessories to their husbands. .

Therefore, they have to carefully consider who to give their own first time, after all, if they do not follow through, they will not be able to hand in satisfactory answers to others.

Their lives were also worthless at that time. Life and death were closely related to the cleanliness of the body, and also closely related to the first time.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

They cannot take risks to fight against the entire society, and their bodies have become a sacrifice to society.

Do you think that this kind of prejudice and discrimination has disappeared in the present society? the answer is negative.

Although with the development of the economy, the status of women has improved to a certain extent, and women's self-awareness has also been awakened to a certain extent, but this change cannot offset the deep-rooted influence of traditional culture.

Modern society uses a more civilized way to suppress. For example, the male virgin complex is a typical example. The first time that men value women, many women become unconsciously restrained and weakened.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

If you have not met a lover, then you are no longer a virgin, you are not clean, and you are not worthy of love. This is actually the inherent idea of ​​many women.

Therefore, after accidentally losing their lives, they tend to become panicked and self-denying, whether they are worthy of love and whether their bodies are clean or not, and their first time and close contact.

For men, there is no excessive interference in this society, excessive suppression of men’s sexual freedom, so they have enough courage, and do not need to think too much, the first time for them is not so tortuous.

However, for women who are deeply suppressed by society, their first time is always contradictory. They have to think about more influences, and this kind of thinking is only for self-protection.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

Therefore, the excessive attention at the social level makes many women have to think carefully for the first time. Once this starts, how should it end? How can I deal with myself if I don't meet a loved one? They often need to pay more courage.

It is undeniable that people will always be impressed by thoughtful things, and similarly, women will never forget the first time in their lives.

Subjective level: For women, the first time is a major turning point

The emergence of a phenomenon is often not the effect of a single factor. The general environment is indeed an important cause of some phenomena, but each person's experience and choices are also an important factor.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

As mentioned above, when women hand over their bodies for the first time, they often need more courage. To put it ugly is that women are easy to suffer, because the first time often means a lot of changes.

When a woman surrendered her first time, she has transformed from a girl to a woman, which means that she needs to treat some people and things with a more mature and different mentality.

Being impressed with something is not only because it requires careful consideration, but also part of the reason is its significant impact on a person. This impact can be good or bad.

For women, their bodies are not as free as men, and they will be more discriminated against. Their first deep impression also comes from the first impact on them.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

If they are lucky for the first time and meet a beloved, they will also be impressed with their first time, because it is a sweet and irreplaceable experience.

In the transitional stage from girl to woman, they met the right person, and it is very likely that that person is still with them now, so their first impressions include more gratitude and love for that person.

This sweet exploration is also a kind of good memory, which in many cases will make people feel positive, so they will never forget their first time.

However, not all women are so smooth and can meet someone who is good once. Most people's love is always bumpy and tortuous. Many women give all of themselves to another person when they are in love. .

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

This includes their great trust and love, and of course they will be impressed with all their efforts. However, people at this time may not accompany them for the rest of their lives, and more people are just passing through in their lives.

Then at this time, there will be two types of thinking. One is to be more open-minded and feel that it’s good to have loved it at the time. It doesn’t need to last forever, and you won’t regret giving it the first time.

For them, although the first time there was no result, it was still an unforgettable memory. After all, it is difficult for people to forget a person they loved. This kind of fruitless dedication also taught them a lot of things. Count a big turning point.

The other kind is more paranoid. In fact, this kind of paranoia not only comes from the suppression of women by society, but also comes from their perfect fantasy of love.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

Perhaps their inherent thinking at the time was that for the first time, they would definitely give people who want to spend the rest of their lives with them. Often the reality is not so perfect, and the people they meet are not people who want to spend the rest of their lives with them.

Then this kind of blow to reality and disillusionment, falling into a great self-denial, this kind of experience is a difficult challenge for them.

They may take a long time to accept this imperfect world, and begin to accept the disillusionment of their own illusions, and accept this unclean body in their own eyes.

People who are more open-minded may not care too much about this small flaw. Those who cannot accept their imperfections may fall apart. No matter what kind of change it is, the personality and cognition will be completely different from before.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

Just as Osamu Dazai said in "Disqualification in the World":

"In just one night, my heart was like two people, she came from a crowd of people, just to give me an empty joy."

The baptism of ideas and the growth of people are often accompanied by many bad experiences. Such experiences are also impressive, especially those that have never been touched before.

Therefore, for most women, their first time is always unforgettable in their lifetime. It is not only a matter that requires a lot of courage, it is also a major turning point.

Psychologist: Women’s "Sexual Psychology" Development Law | "First Time" Unforgettable

For women, the first time is important, self-love and self-respect are also important, but the cleanliness of a person is not determined by the first time, not by an organ, but more by a person. spirit.

There is no need to over-repress one's own nature. It is human instinct to satisfy one's nature, and the righteous sex is worthy of acceptance and affirmation.


About the Creator

Jonathan Yankie

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