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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

General Information

By Iria Vasquez-PaezPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

PTSD is a mental illness that is different from CPTSD in that the C in CPTSD is about complex PTSD. PTSD comes up from trauma. People with CPTSD experience flashbacks quite often. A PTSD sufferer avoids places that remind them of the trauma or where they suffered the trauma itself. CPTSD merely means that average symptoms of PTSD are aggravated, and amplified. The person with PTSD suffers from intense mental stress that causes them physiological problems. They blame themselves for the traumatic events they've been put through. They need to detach from others because they feel the need to give themselves distance.

People with PTSD have bad relationships with themselves. They feel constant shame while reviewing their trauma inside their head day in, day out. PTSD people have to deal with their irritability or aggressive behavior; they are also displaying hypervigilant traits. They are easily startled on top of that. Dealing with PTSD involves having been threatened with death or close to death, being injured or experiencing sexual violence. You also develop PTSD from hearing that a relative got exposed to trauma. Reliving the event over and over again is a huge sign of PTSD. Complex PTSD is having weighty PTSD symptoms for a large part of your life.

An individual with the symptoms of PTSD has anxiety about the trauma lodged in their system also. Negative thoughts or feelings about themselves falls into a pattern that includes a decrease of interest in normal activities. The PTSD can drive someone to risky or destructive behavior. Trouble sleeping is a huge criterion for PTSD. The criteria has to be met for an enlightening diagnosis, since getting a mental health diagnosis is necessary. There are two different versions of PTSD, and one causes disassociation from the traumatic memory. PTSD has many possible treatment options.

Therapy is always a treatment of choice for every mental health issue that's out there. I've had major PTSD anxiety attacks throughout my life. I get anxiety attacks but have had less of them with the way I quit drinking. I've had PTSD depressive episodes, from the extreme trauma I have had to deal with my entire life. PTSD can happen from abuse and trauma. It can also happen from car accidents, and there are many reasons I'm not driving right now that has to get into my family's head.

Medication can help so many mental health problems, its great to use. I am stable today because at great risk, I went to seek mental health treatment. My family tried to manipulate me out of it, but I succeeded at getting it for myself. Acute stress disorder is caused by a traumatic event leading to the sufferer disassociating. The victim could have feelings that are not identified as emotions they can recognize.

PTSD and depression have similar root causes only because you can get depressed from the event that traumatized you. Acute Stress Disorder happens from one traumatic situation, which happens quickly to the sufferer.

PTSD can be treated even if it seems like a chronic condition as is the term CPTSD-or complex PTSD. A diagnosis may mean coverage by insurance if you can get one for yourself, that the insurance can tolerate. Having PTSD does not necessarily limit my life but the flashbacks can be debilitating. There is a way to shield your own thoughts from yourself. Someone with my skills need not let PTSD run your life. If thoughts do influence your reality, you can't spend your life or your day paranoid. I seek treatment for my CPTSD because I want to make my life better. The thing is, I'm working on myself. But I'm not doing my family's work for them anymore. It is theirs to work through, not my own issues to work through and thus, so why should I care? I don't. I'm trying to pay attention only to my own life. The thing is, I want to move to Los Angeles, and never see my family again. In LA I can get a fresh start, while in the Bay Area, I wonder who believes my family's lies and who doesn't, since there are things people believe about me that aren't true.

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About the Creator

Iria Vasquez-Paez

I have a B.A. in creative writing from San Francisco State. Can people please donate? I'm very low-income. I need to start an escape the Ferengi plan.

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