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Neural Ascent

Facing the Artificial Growth of Humanity

By Neos AlthPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The superhuman project demonstrates the public's desire for a breakthrough in the next stage of human evolution. But what is the role and significance of the natural processes that have driven human history for billions of years, enabling us to adapt to our surroundings and transforming us from simple organisms into thinking beings?

Signs of neurological divergence in our culture indicate that our nervous system reflects changes in evolution's refining and advancing phases. These "neurodiverse" individuals have left their generational mark on our institutions in just a few decades, yet we have forgotten where this route originated. This bio-social variance among people has resulted in an enduring pattern of isolation and bewilderment.

Some people believe that unnatural growth factors are the solution to all our problems, whereas others believe that they represent an excessive use of technology that may eventually lead to unexpected negative consequences. Would those who inject their growth elements into individuals be able to obstruct this route? Or will it fall victim to organisms that submit to the natural cycle?

Nonetheless, they are as much a part of humankind as anyone else, despite being stereotyped as weird or inferior. While contemplating the fate of neurodiverse individuals in the age of superhuman developments, it is essential to recall the fundamental role that natural systems have had in shaping human history.

We have adapted and evolved to thrive in our environment since the beginning of time, building intricate neurological systems that allowed us to become thinking beings. In our haste to adopt recent technology and artificial advancements, we run the risk of losing sight of the intricate web of natural processes that shaped us.

Neurodiverse people are a beautiful illustration of how different people may be, but they have fallen prey to a pattern of alienation and misunderstanding brought about by the way we see the world. Many view them as weird or lacking, but they are merely unique human expressions. But, as we advance towards a new era of superhuman improvements, the fate of neurodiverse persons is in jeopardy.

Some individuals believe that artificial growth factors are the solution to all our problems because they would allow us to surpass our biological limitations and achieve new levels of mental and physical capacity. Others argue that such treatments could have unforeseen side effects and interfere too much with natural processes, which could be detrimental.

The future of neurodiverse individuals is unknown in a world that is continually changing. Will the new era of superhuman advancements accept and empower them, or will they be left behind? As we move into the unknown, it is up to us to ensure that we do not lose sight of the natural processes that have taken us this far and that we continue to accept the whole spectrum of human variation.

There are an increasing number of people who wish to improve human life through artificial methods and those who want to maintain the status quo. Nevertheless, for neurodiverse persons, the stakes have never been higher. As the world speeds towards a new era of superhuman breakthroughs, it is unclear how neurodiverse people will fit into this new environment. Will they be ostracized and disregarded as aberrations of nature? Or will they be accepted as distinct human expressions demanding the same regard and opportunity as everyone else?

Those of us who are divergent are seen as offshoots of the accepted and predictable, swimming against the current of what is considered normal. We are imaginative individuals who venture away from the mainstream and explore unorthodox options. Our paths are less traveled and often misunderstood. We are not guilty of being different, but instead of daring to be different. That very spark of creativity, divergence, and individualism allows us to explore out-of-the-box solutions to life’s problems and challenges. We do not follow the rules of the game because we do not accept that the game cannot be changed. We have our ideas and crave to make our mark on society. We use our divergent thinking to make an impact in ways that are often unheard of, unexpected, and sometimes even unheard of.

Our strength lies in our ability to think differently, question the norm, and stand up for our beliefs in the face of opposition. Our views may not be accepted in the mainstream, but that does not mean that they are wrong. We may experience resistance, criticism, and sometimes ostracism when sharing our thoughts and opinions, but that does not mean that we cannot find strength in our divergence. Instead, we are empowered by it. We are not less than those who conform, but rather are strong and independent. We can look at life in a new and unique way, showing courage and creativity. Our fearless and unique thought processes propel us forward in ways that the “normal” way of thinking cannot. We are the ones who will push boundaries, break through limits, and make a mark on the world.


About the Creator

Neos Alth

Adding to the realm of neural divergence and encouraging the fringe community to realize the inherent gift.

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    Neos AlthWritten by Neos Alth

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