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Moving Forward

Just a few words from the Doctor.

By Scientist NynePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Dr. Marvin Brown Jr, Ed.D in deep thought.

Imagine yourself, sitting in an empty room. There is no one there. No one around. It’s just you, yourself, and your isolation. The only thing you have to accompany you is your mind, your experiences, your memories, and your spirit.

As you learn and experience the world and changes happen in the neurotransmitters and dendrites, more connections in your mind are created. The brain sorts out and rearranges itself in light of your encounters, experiences, forming recollections and memories which are activated by the impacts of outside information, experiences, training, and education.

Scientifically speaking, Memory is a framework or procedure that stores what we remember for a later timer. Our memory has three fundamental capacities: encoding, putting away and recovering data. Encoding is the demonstration of getting data into our memory framework through programmed or effortful handling. But let’s go deeper.

Memories. Memories are the ghosts from the past which remind us there is a present paradigm we exist in, and the possibility of the future for the creation of more memories. Memories are not all the same. Some are good, some are neutral, and some are bad. Some can get even worse. What memories do you have Dr.Brown? What memories can you share with others, which lie within your mind?

This year is 2020. I called it the year of perfect vision since 20/20 vision is considered perfect or normal vision. Believe it or not, I don’t have a normal vision. I have 20/10 in one eye and 20/12 in the other vision. This means I can see objects from further away than what a normal person would see. In another perspective, I see goals and visions, and achievements much further away than the normal person. The problem is, I don't always see the pitfalls, traps, u-turns, battles lost, drawbacks, and failures along the way. So what happens when you become blind, or you fall and your eyes are turned back towards the starting block, and you can't see the finish line? What do you do when you're running a marathon or a nature trail alone, and you've experienced an injury. Can you imagine completing a marathon with a torn ACL, or a dislocated hip? Can you imagine being launched into space, aiming to land on the moon, yet you don't even land among the stars? You land in a black hole. Can you imagine mistake, after mistake, further placing you from your goal? Not intentional mistakes, just ignorant mistakes. Can you imagine having several, promising outlooks on businesses, and all of a sudden a tsunami comes and wipes them out?

Think about this now allegorically? What can you imagine? Well then if you can imagine all that, or worse, then it's time to evolve.

The point being made- what do you do when situations overtake you? Keep moving. What happens when you fail? Keep trying.

What happens when goals are not reached?

Keep stretching

What happens when you want to give up?

Keep pushing

What happens when everything around you seems like it’s wasting away?

Keep surviving!

It's a time of growth and moving forward in new and positive ways. With psychic energy in abundance, it is the ideal month to start meditating for the purpose of healthier living and raising consciousness.

Dedicate yourself to health, wellness, mental stability, and overall transition to a higher person. This goes beyond two workouts, a green smoothie, and listening to some music.

This goes into building yourself up, your circle up, and your community up. Don’t let circumstances personally or nationally halt you. Remember, those that came before you laid the groundwork so you can make your future!


About the Creator

Scientist Nyne

Im the fitttest,filming mixologist around

Certified as a Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Specialist. Business backgrounds, as well as backgrounds in Biology, Fitness, Counseling, and Psychology, and other scientific fields.

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