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Mental Health Awareness

I hope this helps.

By Sarah LeonelliPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

I would like to start out by saying mental health is not something to be taken lightly, it is not a joke or a game, and there is nothing to be ashamed of if you have a mental disorder. People may be unkind or skeptical about what you say and feel, but that does not make your words or emotions any less credible. You are cared about and loved, always, and by no means, are you in this alone, no matter how alone you may feel.

PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, schizophrenia, anorexia... the list goes on. I barely even scratched the surface. Put aside the names for a moment. A label does not define you. The most important thing to know is that there are people like you, who deal with similar things and cope in similar ways. Now, I don't like to use the words "the same" when speaking on mental health, because as similar as things can seem, they are not the same. No two people share the same thinking process. There will always be something that makes your case different from another's. Don't let people place you in a group by saying, "Everyone feels like that sometimes" or "People always deal with these things at your age," because that is not true.

Please reach out for help if your mental health starts to deteriorate, you will regret it if you don't. Whether you talk to friends, family, or a professional, it doesn't matter. Simply venting what you're feeling and how you want to feel will help. However, I will say that there will come a point in time when you must talk to a professional if things get worse. Although it could take a few tries to find someone you connect with or understands you, you have to do it. Your friends and family may not be able to give you the help you need or want.

The change starts with you. You may not want to talk to people, or you may be so comfortable in your own sadness that you don't even want the help someone can give you. Don't worry, that is perfectly normal. Still, you can't go through life constantly feeling sad or worried, or regretting the mistakes you've made or the things that have happened to you. I will say it time and time again, but what goes on in your head is not your fault. Although, it is up to you to fix it. I know this is a crappy thing to deal with, being mentally placed somewhere you don't want to be and then having to fix it yourself, but it has to be done.

Things will only get better if you want them to. You are the only one who can change your way of thinking. It is not an easy thing to do, believe me, I've been there, but that's a story for a different time. Just know that what I'm telling you is out of love, and because I actually know and understand mental health in a way others may not.

Hurting yourself is not the answer, no matter how irrational your thought process is. I understand that this may all be very painful for you, but don't inflict more pain on yourself. Self-harm, in all its many facets, is an incredibly difficult thing to pull yourself away from, I would suggest not starting it to begin with, and if you already do, start your recovery process ASAP. There will be days that seem much harder than others, but don't give in.

Always be sure to put yourself first. There is no sense trying to fix others if you are still broken. You could be in the deepest, darkest hole of your life right now, I don't know your exact story of course, but there is always a ladder waiting to be dropped to you if you are willing to climb it. Be prepared to dive into all your emotions and every story that has lead you to feel the way you do, because that is the only way to truly find the help you need.

If no one has told you today: You are strong and beautiful, and things will be okay, even if you don't believe that. You may feel trapped in your own mind. Your thoughts run wild in a jail cell and you can never seem to find the key to finally release them, but it is there. Keep looking.

I'll say it again: You are not alone, you are loved, and you are stronger than you think. People will always try to bring you down, that is the flawed human race, but don't let them get to you. Don't let your thoughts eat you alive. Please get help for yourself. You won't regret it. Keep your head up and give yourself the attention you need, because you will get better soon.

- From one person struggling with mental health to another.


About the Creator

Sarah Leonelli

I'm currently working on a book in which I share my lengthy collection of poems.

Instagram: @sarahleonellipoetry

Twitter: @sarahleonelli

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