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Life is just a process


By Richard ZhongPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

When I was young, Dad had three iron laws, and whoever violated them would have the most severe punishment. One is not to urinate in the river water, and the other is that ewes who are pregnant with lambs cannot be killed! When the elders call you, you cannot answer with a questioning tone! Once, the only time, when I urinated in the lower reaches of the river, the big dad kicked up and scolded you with the most disgusting words. That kind of momentum was especially terrible. Even a person like me who remembers eating and not hitting has never had a second time. These three iron laws have accompanied me to this day.

When I grew up, I asked my dad, and he actually said calmly: "It's okay, I'll understand when I'm alive. That year, I watched the movie "Wolf Totem", and there was a line at the end of the film: the grassland also has fate, and the river also has fate. Only by knowing how to respect the big fate can we live every small life well. At that moment, my mind was full of images of Dad, and I missed him especially.

At that moment, I suddenly understood the iron rule that Dad once set. You can't pee in the river because there is a person waiting for a drink in the lower reaches of every river. Basic tutoring; endless life is the normal state of life. . . . . .

Some things, as long as you put them in the river of time, you will understand when you are alive. It turns out that understanding is the accumulation of experience, and then handed over to time.

Aunt Gaowa was lonely all her life by the promise of a Shanghai educated youth that you wait for me. It turned out that I thought that not only Aunt Gaowa could not forgive the person who failed, but I also hated that person deeply when I heard such news, and I also naively thought that if I met him, I would let him die in pain.

But after more than 30 years, I cautiously talked to my aunt about this person. Aunt Gaowa was unexpectedly calm, which made me incomprehensible. She even forgot the name of the person. She said that she can't blame others, she just likes to live alone, and you won't feel bitter when you get used to it. My aunt looked at me puzzled, and in turn comforted me and said, "It's okay, you'll understand when you're alive.

That year, I fell out with a friend who I thought was a life-and-death friend because of some misunderstandings. I swore at that time that I would never forgive and never meet. In fact, when we met three years later, not only could we drink together, but we couldn't even remember the reason for the falling out in the first place. That day, I suddenly remembered what my aunt said, the opposite of love is forgetting, let it go if you don't care, there is no such thing as resentment and forgiveness.

It's just that I'm drunk, and I no longer have the urge to call the other party. This is time. Any love or hate is handed over to time, and there will always be a light day. Life can not be saved, not to mention love and hate?

Yesterday, a friend sent a text, and when I looked at it, the corners of my eyes were inexplicably wet, not moved, but understood. The text goes like this: A man dies... When he realizes it, he sees God standing before him with a suitcase. So there was this conversation:

God: All right, boy, it's time to go. man: so fast? I still have a lot of plans...

God: Sorry! But it's time to go. Man: What do you have in your suitcase?

God: your possessions. Man: My possessions? you mean my stuff... clothes... money...

God: Those things were never yours, they belonged to the earth. Man: Is that my memory?

God: No, they belong to time. Man: That's my talent? God: No, they belong to past events. Man: Is it my friends and family?

God: No. Children, they belong to the path of your life's journey. Man: Is it my wife and children?

God: No, they belong to your heart. Man: That must be my body.

God: No belongs to dust. Man: That must be my soul!

God: Boy, you are wrong. your soul belongs to me

With tears in his eyes, the man opened the box in horror... It was actually empty! !

He tearfully asked God... Man: Have I never had anything?

God: Yes. Man: So, what about my life? God: Your life just goes by!

Life just goes by, right? ! ! For a whole afternoon, I was sorting out my past. Except for some thoughts and regrets, the suffering I thought at the time could not be remembered as it was at the time, and the happiness I once thought I could feel that I could be satisfied with such a simple thing.

Time flows slowly like a trickle, except for the present, which will be buried by time sooner or later. Cultivating a calm heart and living every day as the last day, you will find that there are unexpected gains in the air. Since life is not a time trial, then we must stretch and live, there will be a time to understand when we are alive, let the answer come later, and later is to bless yourself!

Listen to a song, take a detour, make a few friends who care, or keep a pot of hanging lotus, read a beautiful article, sip a clear tea, let the time bloom into a plain flower, and do whatever you want to do useless things , is a earned life.

Instead of engraving the most brilliant life on the tombstone, it is better to keep it on the road passing by meticulously and calmly. Life is a huge difference, cherish every day we meet, and then we can say goodbye calmly.

It's okay, just live and understand.

A lot of truths have been experienced and understood. Sometimes understanding is warmer than passing through. Who said that life is not the driving force and direction of life that there are some expectations every day. Don't hurt yourself, don't worry about others. Only by holding a calmness to the years, carrying a wisp of fleeting laughter, and lowering yourself to the dust, can you see that life is so rich.

The life that has passed is not in vain!


About the Creator

Richard Zhong

No superior wisdom, no heart of truth.

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