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The Mystery of Cults: Why Do People Join and Stay?

Inspired by the new Netflix documentary: 'Dancing for the Devil: The 7M Tiktok Cult'

By Sienna BlackwoodPublished 18 days ago Updated 18 days ago 5 min read
The Mystery of Cults: Why Do People Join and Stay?
Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

I recently watched 'Dancing for the Devil: The 7M Tiktok Cult' on Netflix, and it started to make me wonder about how people get lured into cults.

But why do people join them, and how do they get stuck? Let’s explore the mystery of cults and how people’s minds can be tricked into staying in them.

Understanding How People Get Trapped in Cults

Imagine a world where you believe you have found a group of people who understand you better than anyone else. They make you feel special, loved, and important. But then, slowly, things start to change. They ask you to do things that seem strange, and you start to lose your freedom. This is what can happen when someone joins a cult.

What Is a Cult?

A cult is a group that follows a leader or a set of beliefs very strongly. The leader is often very powerful and controlling. Members of the cult might live together and have strict rules. Some cults are religious, while others might focus on different ideas or ways of living.

The Promise of Belonging and Purpose

One of the main reasons people join cults is because they want to belong. Everyone wants to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. In a cult, people often feel like they are part of a special family. The leader of the cult might say things that make members feel important and chosen. This sense of belonging can be very powerful, especially for people who feel lonely or lost.

Historical example #1: The Jonestown Tragedy

One of the most famous cults in history is the Peoples Temple, led by Jim Jones. In the 1970s, Jim Jones promised his followers a perfect community where everyone would be equal and happy. Many people joined him because they believed in his vision. They moved to a place called Jonestown in South America to build this perfect community. However, Jim Jones became very controlling and demanded total loyalty. In the end, he led over 900 people to a tragic mass suicide. This terrible event shows how powerful the promise of belonging can be and how dangerous it is when someone has too much control over others.

Historical Example #2: The Manson Family

The Manson Family was a cult led by Charles Manson in the late 1960s. Manson attracted a group of followers, mostly young women, by presenting himself as a messianic figure with a unique philosophy. He used a combination of charisma, mind-altering drugs, and manipulation to control his followers. Manson convinced them to carry out a series of brutal murders, including the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969. This cult highlights the dangerous potential of charismatic leadership and psychological manipulation.

Historical Example #3: Heaven's Gate

Heaven's Gate was a religious cult led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. The cult believed that a spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet would take them to a higher level of existence. In 1997, 39 members of the cult committed mass suicide in an attempt to reach this higher plane. The Heaven's Gate cult exemplifies how isolation, strict belief systems, and the promise of transcendence can lead to extreme behaviors and tragic outcomes.

Historical Example #4: Aum Shinrikyo

Aum Shinrikyo, founded by Shoko Asahara in Japan in 1984, combined elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, and apocalyptic Christianity. Asahara claimed to be Christ reincarnated and prophesied an impending apocalypse. The cult gained international notoriety when it carried out a deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, killing 13 people and injuring thousands. Aum Shinrikyo demonstrates the extreme measures a cult can take under the influence of a delusional and authoritarian leader.

The Role of Charismatic Leaders

Cults often have leaders who are very charismatic. Charisma is a special charm or appeal that can make people want to follow someone. These leaders are usually very good at speaking and making others feel excited about their ideas. They can make people believe that they have the answers to all of life’s problems.

The Science of Influence: Milgram's Experiment

To understand how powerful leaders can influence people, we can look at the Milgram experiment. This famous experiment showed that people are often willing to follow orders from someone they see as an authority, even if it means doing something they think is wrong. In the experiment, participants were told to give electric shocks to another person. Many people continued to give shocks because an authority figure told them to, even though they felt it was wrong. This experiment helps us understand why people might follow a cult leader’s orders, even if those orders are harmful.

Isolation from the Outside World

Once people join a cult, they are often isolated from the outside world. This means they don’t talk to their friends and family as much, and they might not have access to news or information from outside the cult. This isolation makes it easier for the cult leader to control them. When people are cut off from other perspectives, they start to believe that the cult’s way is the only way.

The Power of Repetition and Ritual

Cults often use repetition and rituals to reinforce their beliefs. Members might have to repeat certain phrases or participate in daily rituals. Over time, this repetition can make the beliefs feel more real and important. It’s like when you hear a song over and over again—it gets stuck in your head. The same thing happens with the ideas and beliefs in a cult.

Fear and Guilt as Tools of Control

Fear and guilt are powerful emotions that cults use to control their members. The leader might say that bad things will happen if members leave the cult. They might also make members feel guilty for questioning the leader or the group’s beliefs. This fear and guilt make it very hard for people to leave, even if they want to.

Mind Control and Brainwashing

Brainwashing is a way of changing someone’s beliefs without them realizing it. It involves breaking down a person’s old beliefs and replacing them with new ones. This can happen through a mix of isolation, repetition, fear, and guilt. Over time, the person starts to believe the new ideas because they are the only ideas they hear.

The Need for Critical Thinking

One of the best ways to protect ourselves from cults is to practice critical thinking. This means questioning things and not just accepting them because someone else says they are true. It’s important to look for evidence and consider different viewpoints. When we think critically, we are less likely to be tricked by charismatic leaders or powerful groups.

The Role of Support Systems

Having a strong support system of friends and family can also help protect us from cults. When we have people we trust who can offer different perspectives, it’s harder for a cult to isolate and control us. It’s important to stay connected to the people who care about us and to listen to their concerns.

Recognizing the Signs of a Cult

Knowing the signs of a cult can help us avoid them. Some common signs include:

  • A leader who demands total loyalty and control
  • Isolation from friends, family, and outside information
  • Strict rules and rituals that must be followed
  • Fear and guilt used to control members
  • Promises of a perfect community or special status

Cults demonstrate how powerful psychological influences can shape people's beliefs and behaviors. By examining historical examples and understanding the tactics used by cults, it becomes clear that the need for belonging, charismatic leadership, and control mechanisms like isolation and fear play significant roles in drawing people in and keeping them committed. This understanding provides a comprehensive view of the complex dynamics at play, highlighting the importance of awareness and critical thinking in navigating such influences.

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About the Creator

Sienna Blackwood

Creating narratives to entertain and enchant you

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  • shanmuga priya18 days ago

    Truly interesting.Thank you for sharing.

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