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Kind and Caring Society

what we can do

By Lady Sherry-Anne Dow PodolchukPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Lady Sherry Anne Dow Podolchuk and Lady Tinkerbell Grace Dow Podolchuk

Human behavior has been discussed for thousands of years and has always dictated the enrichment and advancement of Earth. Making choices to benefit the group has helped our planet thrive to the technological level it is today. Contributing to society is measured in many ways from an academic advancement to an act of kindness. Understanding that the planet we live on is also a creature that thrives on kindness and enrichment is a value we need to better ourselves. A great way to foster kindness and inclusivity is to treat others as you would want to be treated yourselves. Mental wellness is the core to the population behaving in a manner that supports the evolution of Earth. Mental wellness not only affects the individual, it also affects the group. The individual needs to make choices that benefit the group and the group must be aware and willing to nurture those in their group when behavior leans to the unenriched side of the coin. A great way to show kindness to the group is to be successful in your trade, lead a healthy life and be able to contribute verbally, emotionally or financially. I have had my own mental wellness issues and I was able to survive them by the group which in my case is my family giving me the above mentioned support that I needed to come back from the mental wellness issues I was having. Looking back in full health I now see that it was only going to be my family, my group that gave me that support and it emphasized the need for me to be healthy again so I could be there for them too. Sharing my story can help others who are yet to ask their group for help or have reached out and know they are not alone in their ordeal. In our post coronavirus world we are now more dependent on social media to communicate to a larger group. I myself use social media to connect with the outside world and I in my new world of stability make positive posts that I feel others would want to read. Another way to seed kindness and inclusivity is to think about what it is to travel in another’s footsteps when making statements about them. Understanding the journey of another in order to have a respectful understanding is crucial making the effort to include someone in the group. Noting someone’s accomplishments when speaking to them gives a person confidence to endeavor to more accomplishments. Another way to get involved with community is to join an online group with like interests, makes for great conversation and may lead to other opportunities to give back to the community. A nice idea is to welcome the new neighbor in the building or neighborhood. Making the new person feel welcome is a way to show your kindness and will foster a sense of communication in the group. For myself I am positive and outgoing so I express happiness when someone I know is doing good with something and it is genuine happiness for them, showing your emotion for your buddy who got a new job will make them feel good about themselves and increase their self-confidence. Our Mother Earth shows us kindness by providing air to breath, food to eat and a place to live and if we can also show that in our everyday life to those around you then it helps to evolve the emotional well-being of society. Perhaps one day the governments will make policies to also foster the care that we all have and would like to put forth into effect, until then we can make choices in our everyday life to include those around us.


About the Creator

Lady Sherry-Anne Dow Podolchuk

Grew up in Canada with a very loving family and studied in business and science and I have always loved writing. I hope you enjoy my stories.

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