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The Magical Makaw

A day in the Enchanted Glen

By Lady Sherry-Anne Dow PodolchukPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Cody the Magical Makaw

It was a warm spring day in Canada and the wind was blowing happily through the trees. The squirrels were hunting for their wares and the caterpillars were making their way throughout the grass. It was a magical glen with lifeforms running about the business. Every magical being one can think of lived there and was content. The neighbourhood was filled with excitement because there was new neighbours moving in. One of the houses, an enchanted house watched with curious joy to see the all the people coming and going. They were a Deamonfairy house that lived in that also lived on the magical glen. Mommy and Daddy Deamonfairy invited the new neighbours who were Elves from the frost realm to welcome them to the community. There the family met the Deamonfairy Clan and two of them were Alley a grey toned striped kitty who was loving and happy and Sammy; multicolored of orange, yellow and grey. They were little Deamonfairys kitty and cockatiel bird that brought joy and light to the Deamonfairy home. The Elves had a surprise, they too had a beloved which was a magical macaw named Cody. She was red, blue and yellow and bowed down to greet the Deamonfairy. Then spoke to Alley and Sammy, she spoke “a magical day my new friends, let’s explore the glen.” Alley the cat and Sammy the cockatiel smiled and agreed to go on an adventure. Sammy and Cody flew and Alley ran along through the glen to find the whispering willow tree, they arrived and played fairy games, sang a sparkle song Mommy and Daddy Deamonfairy had taught them and learned about the creatures of the glen. Cody flew around and spotted an imp, she landed near him and offered greeting. The imp was curious, he had never seen a magical macaw and thought to know more about her. We manage the glen and ensure that the forest grows with light which is happiness. Then I shall sing a song said Cody the magical macaw, she sang “Greetings my brethren I will sing you a sparkle. Cody sang and sparkles went throughout the glen, Alley and Sammy seen and went to greet the imp, “Hello my dear friend” they said to the Imp. Sparkles went throughout the fairy houses and all came out to play with the trio. The Imp asked if they would like to dance to celebrate the sparkle song. Alley, Sammy, Cody, Imp and all the fairies danced and their joy added to the beauty of the sparkles in the glen. Whispering Willows branches swayed in the breeze to join the dance and the chickadees in the tree fluttered about. Then whispering willow heard messages and whispered through the glen that Mommy and Daddy Deamonfairy wanted Alley and Sammy to come back to the house, they called to Cody to come along and the Imp bade them a goodbye, as they passed the whispering willow she said farewell and continued whispering how happy she was to meet the Magical Makaw and how she loved Alley, Sammy and Cody’s sparkle song. Once arrived at the house the three were looking forward to telling a story about their adventure. They sang the song and sparkled for the family and there was a celebration that the glen had new inhabitants. The Magical Makaw Cody tweeted a charm that wrote the sparkle song in a book for all to read and enjoy. Cody showed it proudly to her new friends and was complimented on her work. Cody the Magical Makaw, Deamonfariys Alley the Cat and Sammy the Cockatiel went on to have many other magical adventures in the glen, we will all be there to read their story when they sing it.

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About the Creator

Lady Sherry-Anne Dow Podolchuk

Grew up in Canada with a very loving family and studied in business and science and I have always loved writing. I hope you enjoy my stories.

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