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Is anybody out there?

Sending out the SOS… can you hear me?

By Jennidoll of ( 2 years ago 3 min read
Let Me Out

Why do we write?

Why do we do anything?

What is the point?

Does anyone even care?

I used to think it mattered. What I did. What I said. What I contributed to society.

I used to think I could make a difference. And I tried to. I still try to. I want it to matter. Being kind. Helping out others. Hoping for a kinder, brighter future for my daughter.

I used to believe that I was making a difference. I still believe I can. I still believe I will.

But there is no evidence of it.


No one I’ve ever helped has shown gratitude. And I know that’s not the point. That’s not why I choose to help people. That’s not my motivation for caring. That’s not the point of my statement.

The point is, does it matter?

I guess it does matter… at least on some level. It has to matter. We aren’t just here to waste time and work to pay bills and basically waste our life away doing so.

That’s not the purpose of existence. How can that be the entire meaning of life. The reason for existing. That’s pointless. That’s lame.

Not just lame. That’s miserable. That’s a boring and unhappy existence.

Even though it is up to us to make the most out of our circumstances, that is a very unfulfilling life to live.

Work. Pay bills. Sleep. Work, pay bills, sleep.

Try to save up for vacation.


Put in the time and retire. Then enjoy life.


Ummm… no, that sounds like a bullshit recipe for volunteer slavery.


Exactly that.

A slave to the system.

Are we all simply on autopilot?

Do we ever stop to just enjoy the moment?

Does anyone even care that we have limited time to enjoy the moment?

I can’t be the anomaly. The only one that views the standard of living as a total entrapment to any truly fulfilling existence.

Maybe I’m just surrounded by zombies.

Not the pop culture zombies everyone is into. Not the video game zombies that you kill.

Just brainless beings. Not able to think and advocate for themselves.

Not able to do what they really deeply want and desire, because of some outdated ideas of what society should look and function like. Ideas that are in place only to keep everyone blind. Unknowingly slaving away all our time and energy to the monster.

The monster?

The system is the monster.

The monster that takes your years of life and reduces them to wishes on your death bed. Wishes that you had traveled more. Wishes that you had chosen love over money. Real love over setting for comfortable circumstances. Self-love over proving your worth to a job that will easily replace you if you leave. Or die.

Do you really think your job is as loyal to you as you are to it?

There is no job loyalty. There really is no loyalty at all. Not when you are serving the monster in shackles and chains.

Metaphorical bondage.

But bondage nonetheless.

We aren’t really free to express our true selves. No, we think we have freedoms… but we don’t. We are under the illusion that we choose where we work. What we do. That’s where they have you in a choke hold. You think you chose this job over that one. And you did. But the choice is the same.

And that is no choice at all.


Or chains?

Or both?

Are you making a difference in the world? Feeling fulfilled and excited about life?

Are you free?

Does it even matter?

Can anyone hear me?

Does anyone care at all?


About the Creator

Jennidoll of (

I am a writer, photographer, and a storyteller. I gain inspiration from the haunted and the beautiful, and the mysterious 'in between'. Music is my Muse and so are all of you. Everyone is a character in my story. Welcome to my storyland.

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