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Infinite lives

Both sides of the story

By Carolmae HinrichsPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read

For every action. There is an equal and opposite reaction. Sir Isaac Newton identified Inertia. A law of motion. Inertia is much like the Universal law of cause and effect and karma. What goes out. Will come back. Karma may be the ultimate Universal law. There is so much information written about the law of karma. I am certain most people have either spoken or heard others speak of karma.

People often refer to karma. When they feel someone has done them wrong. They may say, “It’s okay. Karma will take care of them.”

I have heard. Karma is a bitch.

When a spouse cheats. Karma will bite them in ass.

When a person steals your wallet. Karma is the best revenge.

Karma does the task of settling a score. Oh no. Karma is much more.

I used to think karma was a made up word. Thrown around to make people feel better. When things turned sideways.

When someone is hurt by the actions of some “bad” person. Karma will get them. In the end.

This is the idea many believe.

I spent years wondering how karma truly worked. I wondered. If karma a true universal law.

You see?

I was convinced I was a victim. Somehow, karma had not done its job. I thought. Why did bad things happen to me all the time? I am an ethical and kind person.

Until I heard a podcast with Delores Cannon speaking on the subject of karma. Her knowledge on karma was of value. To me, anyway.

She said, Karma spans beyond this lifetime. It goes beyond this space and time.

Changing my perspective completely. I began to think. If I am a victim in this lifetime. I must have been a abuser in a past life. The idea provided some comfort. However, still weighed down and burdened with my victim role.

I began working inside my own self. Searching for me. It took sometime. A huge lesson in self worth and learning to set boundaries. I came to understand. I was my own abuser and my own victim.

I asked myself. How can I work through my own karma? How can I square up with the house? Is karma about getting what I deserved. A kind of justice or revenge?


I felt a burst of energy inside my mind. The moment I realized. I did not have to be a victim or an abuser. I do not have to suffer or cause pain. I do not have to struggle anymore for any past life sins.

Not all suffering is a result of karma. What about blessings? Are these only given according to karma?

Life could be just an endless cycle of karma.

Who knows? Such things.

Though believing oneself a victim becomes it’s own form karma eventually. Returning to a repeated pattern of an endless lesson. Life as an abuser or as the victim. To experience again and again.

I had to end the karma. I carried so long with me. It became clear. I could no longer present myself a victim of anything.

Karma is neither good or bad. Karma is experiencing two sides of the story. It’s seeing the grass on the other side of the fence.

Karma does not even the score. This Is not a competition.

Karma is the current lesson played out. It can take countless lifetimes to learn. It can be settled in just one.

Its about acceptance. Non judgement of ourselves and others.

Karma is irrelevant once we learn to live free of judgement.

Every lesson every experience. We live as our eternal self grows. We will live each and every experience. There is in this Universe.

Infinite lives and infinite possibilities.

Star Trek wisdom and The Vulcan philosophy of infinite diversity in infinite combinations.

Logic dictates we are not to turn our judgement onto those who are living different lives and experiences. Than we are living now.

Experiences. We cannot understand, today.

We are those people. We judge. We are each other and we are ourselves. We are all eternal beings. Living out each other’s lives. This is the way to settle karma once and for all. Knowing this one thing is true.

I am you.

You are me.

We are everyone and we are everything. We must act accordingly.


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