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How to Overcome The Stigma Of Mental Health

Mental Health

By Urooj KhanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

“Mental illness is among the most stigmatized categories. People are ashamed of being mentally ill. They fear to disclose their condition to their friends and confidants and certainly to their employers”. Elyn.R.Saks.

What Is Mental Illness?

Mental illness is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people. It is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people.

Why still A Taboo?

Mental illness still faces persistent social taboo. It is regarded as somewhat taboo to discuss and vocalize. It’s not something to joke about something that is just in someone’s head. We never know what people are going through behind the closed door of their hearts. Depression is real, trauma is real, and suffering is real. Behind every smiling face, there is a story of agony, obstacles, and constant struggle. Many of us are fighting an unseen battle with ourselves every day, like a mirror.

Common Mental Health Disorders:

Depression is the predominant mental health problem worldwide, followed by anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders. One of the most silent, deadly, and yet most hardly talked about mental illnesses is depression. Depression and anxiety lead to self-harm and suicide. However, people take depression so lightly. Depression is considered something meaningless, something to laugh and joke about rather than help. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.

Mental Health Effects:

Mental illness affects many people daily and there is no humor in it. Usually, people mock or make fun of people who are suffering from any mental disorder. However, the person who is suffering can only feel how difficult their life is. Thus, people who are suffering from mental health problems are not less of a person., they are equally important and their lives are equally worthy and important as all of us, they are not monsters, they are just human beings like us who need love and acceptance. Research says that love can cure some mental illnesses, so we all have the power to alleviate the pain of someone suffering from mental illness. It’s free.


It’s Time To Recognize Mental Health As Essential To Physical Health:

Mental illness is something that should be taken seriously. Mental illness has a cemented stigma attached to it within society. The attitudes that lie within our society put physical illness above mental illness. Hence, just like physical health, mental health should also be prioritized. People suffering from a severe depressive episode may harm themselves and attempt to commit suicide. One never kills themselves because of the endless pain they are going through. They end their life because they don’t see any window or ear to vent out.

Time To Shout Out Against The Stigma:

The stigma needs to be addressed, people need to be educated about mental health and its consequences. The truth is, we all need to take part in combating the stigma surrounding mental health. Let’s take a step to break the bleak picture that reflects mental health problems. I think it’s amazing to see society has come so far in many ways and become less discriminatory, but still, we have to cover a long journey in terms of mental health stigma. The first step in breaking the taboo around mental health is understanding it better. As a society, we should all take responsibility for this together. We need to find a way to give the people suffering silently a way to speak up about these difficulties. The consequences of stigma can be heartbreaking if major steps won’t be taken. Stress is natural and at some point in their life, everyone will have an anxiety attack. So let’s be open and stop hiding in the shadow. It is time to break the silence and be more vocal about this issue. It is an odd paradox that a society that can now speak openly and unabashedly about topics that were once unspeakable remains silent when it comes to mental health.

Lets’s Talk

Let’s End The Stigma.

Your Little Effort Can Save Someone’s Life:

Let’s be kind to everyone because we never know what people are going through. Let’s encourage the public to talk about their internal suffering from their depression. People with mental illness should not suffer in silence. We need to talk openly and honestly about depression to break down fear and stigma. Lives are at stake. If this is still left untreated then it will take many lives. Please, talk to your loved ones today and ask them if they are okay. A simple conversation can change and even save a life.

“What mental health need is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation”


About the Creator

Urooj Khan

I love writing about a life experience as well as topics that interest me.

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