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By chahat sachdevaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you feel negative thoughts when you are on your lowest or in general? According to the sources, 95% have negative thoughts when they are sad. But if you are having extreme negative thoughts then it can be harmful to you and others.

Wondering, how they can harmful?

Well, your mindset shapes how you see the world. If your perspective is primarily negative, it can have a detrimental impact on your health, work, family, and other aspects of your life. Moreover, negativity can lead to trouble, creating more negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts include depression, mental health issues, secrecy, and addiction. So, you have to overcome these problems and have to enter into the phase of positivity just like the devil reversed tarot guide.

Fortunately, we can teach ourselves how to avoid negative thoughts by using basic approaches. Some techniques can help you get through negative ideas into a more positive frame of mind.

Let’s know 7 basic techniques to avoid negative thoughts!


Here are the 10 basic approaches on how to avoid negative thoughts:

1. Create a Productive Routine

There is a technique called ‘Quantum Programming’, you can do that technique every morning. This technique entails meditating and focusing on the person you want to be and the type of life you want to live each morning when you wake up. You should pick a few key objectives to continue your motivation going in the direction of your desires. Negativity decreases when you know what you want and work toward it every day.

2. Do Exercise Daily

Regular exercise has a beneficial impact on both your physical and mental health. One advantage of exercising is that it can aid in the reduction of mental stress and anxiety. When it comes to your thinking, you don't need to schedule a long trip to the gym to notice the benefits. A leisurely walk around the neighbourhood can be beneficial.

3. Create New Practices

Instead of thinking of it as overcoming bad mental patterns, consider it as forming new habits. You can achieve this by spending your time on those areas where there is nothing to overcome, such as things about which you already feel good and thus think positively. This could be anything like your cat, your manicured toenails, going to the park, or going on vacation.

4. Replace Negative Thoughts in Your Environment

What you allow into your head in your daily life might influence your thinking. Evaluate the most significant sources of negativity in your life. People, websites, music, and other media can all be used as sources. Find a means to replace them with sources of optimism once they've been discovered.

5. Do Mediation

You can do 15-20 minutes of mediation daily. It will help you to avoid negative thoughts. And, it will also give you an inner peace that is required in your mind. You can also do a dance session if you don’t like to do mediation. By dancing or doing body movement it will help in escaping negativism in your body. The more you feel the more easily you can get over your negative thoughts.

6. Review Your Negative Thoughts

If you are having negative thoughts in between your daily activities then quickly write them down. Automatically, you will see it will disappear from your mind. Make out some time in your routine just for 15 mins and sit down to review the thoughts that you have written down. During your review time ask questions “why are you having this thought?” After some time, you will be able to control your negative thoughts and they start vanishing from your mind.

7. Concentrate on Appreciation

In general, people don’t appreciate or in other words, you can say that it is undervalued. But, it’s very important to have a happy life. So, start appreciating others. Once, you start to appreciate, you will feel good and after some time, you will notice that people also start giving you complainants. Focus on good things may it can small but it will make you feel good.


Try out these techniques and methods to avoid negativism in your life and around your surroundings. It's very important to have a positive mindset in your life to achieve success and happiness.

Hope this article helped you in fulfilling your purpose!


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