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Gemini Season

Are you actually ready?

By Megan McCulloughPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Chatty Gemini we meet again, This time though, we are going to be going through a transformative period, and now is the time to make sure you have your ducks in a row. This Gemini season brings us a beautiful full Flower Moon, Mercury Retrograde, and eclipse season; which in itself is a pretty magically chaotic time. One thing to remember is that eclipses often throw you into the deep end of the pool of feelings to set the stage for a much-needed change, they can be truly eye-opening and emotionally cleansing.

You will be grabbing hold of the reins on your life as we move through Gemini season and from the middle of the month until almost the end of July, Mars - the planet of action will be moving through the optimistic and take charge fire sign Leo, you may be more prone to prioritizing working on yourself after spending two months in Cancer, which explains why you may have been a bit more sensitive during that time. Time to reward yourself with a night of self-care and being more gentle with yourself. Take this time to fully realize where you want to go with your life and bask in the possibility. Don’t be afraid to walk away from toxic situations and start to implement boundaries that protect you and your energy from people or situations that want to see you fail.

The new moon occurs on June 10 and is accompanied by a solar eclipse which will bring with it a vision of clarity and a path of action, grab hold and start your journey Gemini - you deserve it. Keep in mind that communication is going to be key to making your dreams a reality and because Mercury will be in retrograde still and the moon will be squared up with spiritual Neptune in illusion-loving Pisces, double-check every detail, and don’t be surprised if you need to wait until the dust settled before you can fully commit, the phrase “good things come to those who wait” might be a reassuring daily mantra until you can start to put your plan into action.

Because this summer is the Hot Vax summer and everyone is keen to put social distance habits in the past - Gemini, now is the time to be working through anything to open up the road for potential love interests coming your way, near the beginning of the month, Venus - the planet of love, moves out of outgoing, airy Gemini and into heartfelt and homey Cancer, you may find you’re more content to stay in and cuddle instead of spontaneously going out with a group. You may also notice your previously flirty ways are starting to become more comfortable with the thought of commitment *GASP* it’s okay Gemini, grab hold of these feelings and let your partner know how you’re feeling.

When people think “Mercury Retrograde” they instantly assume the worst, but Mercury is a reflection of your current state and is the time to be making amends and fixing things. Essentially, the more you mess up pre-retrograde, the more you are going to have to do to fix things during retrograde. Take care of yourself and be aware of what is going on around you as we are leading up to prime Gemini season. This season you are going to be forced to release anything that isn’t benefiting you or your path and while change is sometimes scary, embrace the fear and use it to drive you. Don’t worry sweet Gemini, everything happens for a reason and your reason will be making itself known very soon.


About the Creator

Megan McCullough

Lost soul who finds herself through writing.

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