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Find My Sanity


By Spiritual Wizard Published 3 years ago 3 min read

A portion of my sanity is missing, I need help locating it.

Is there an App I can download, to trace it’s whereabouts ?

Maybe I can use my phone, press lost, and ping a noise and trace the noise directly back to where I lost my sanity at ?

There could only be one of many places I misplaced it.

I went to the beach a couple of months ago, maybe I accidentally left it in the ocean, and the waves carried it away,


Maybe my sanity was too toxic for the ocean, and it was washed onto shore, and overlooked by a child building a sandcastle.

Now that I think about it my sanity never made it to the beach it was already misplaced the before my feet touched the sand.

Let’s travel back in time even farther to the day I 1st discovered that my sanity was missing.

I wonder if my ex can hear the pinging noise coming from inside of her purse, I doubt it.

With so many items inside of it, I bet the faint noise is almost silent like I was in the last days of our relationship.

Accidentally on purpose I believe I could have inhaled my sanity in one of those addicting cigarettes , and exhaled tiny fragments out into the Universe for a stranger to find.

Can anyone hear the pinging noise ?

I can not either,

Huge elements of my sanity where ingested inside of the toxic drugs I put inside my body, I still remember the days my body rejected the chemicals. Naturally my body constructed a defense on my behalf, and I induced a large amount of vomiting, so there are pieces of my sanity I flushed down the drain on different occasions, if I couldn’t make it to a nearby bathroom any sidewalk, or the interstates would suffice,

Many pieces are lost permanently in the sewer, and many fragments left on the side of the interstates indefinitely.

I did leave a small portion at my mother’s house inside of her favorite plant,

I left it there because I know she will water it, and nurture the broken pieces that remain.

Shattered pieces I left here, and there I can recall those lost pieces, but the gigantic pieces I need to find desperately, so I can connect all of them back together like a puzzle.

The discharge nurse at the hospital 3 or 4 visits ago collected a decent amount as well,

I’m not bitter about those bits of my sanity because they needed to be shed because those pieces where infected.

If my memory serves me correctly, I have not laid eyes on majority of my sanity since a child.

No I don’t mean my teenage High School years,

If I retrace my steps properly,

Some have been left at my grandfathers church when I was still innocent, and soft before the world hardened me.

In Indiana in my old backyard where most of my summer days occurred.

The days are becoming shorter, and the battery is almost at 4% so I can not play this pinging noise forever,


When the battery is completed drained, those pieces of my sanity will be lost forever.

So if you happen to hear the noise before it powers down please return it to its rightful owner,

If we run out of time and we can not locate one another just hold onto it, protect it, speak life into whatever pieces are hanging on by a thread.

If there are not enough pieces left to keep jut scatter small particles here, and there around the world so others can feel the happiness I once had when I was still alive,

Time is running out, the battery is close to 2% now because I have been pinging nonstop since I have wanted find the broken pieces,

Please find my sanity before the battery is completely drained, we may not ever find one another, or maybe we will, and it will be the first time in human history anyone has ever seen a lost phone on 0%

Love, Light, & Gratitude…….


About the Creator

Spiritual Wizard

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