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Fear of Vulnerability

and letting society be the judge

By ARJ GamingytPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Fear of Vulnerability
Photo by Chris Lakoduk on Unsplash

Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, something to be avoided at all costs. We fear the judgment of others and their opinions of us, which can make it difficult to let our guard down and be vulnerable. Society reinforces this fear, and we are taught from a young age to be strong, independent, and invulnerable. However, vulnerability is a natural and necessary part of the human experience, and by embracing it, we can build deeper connections with others and experience greater emotional growth.

The Fear of Vulnerability

Why are we so afraid of vulnerability? Perhaps it is because we equate it with weakness. We think that by exposing our vulnerabilities, we are inviting others to take advantage of us or to judge us harshly. We fear that we will be seen as less competent, less successful, or less desirable. We also worry that others will lose respect for us or even reject us altogether.

Another reason we fear vulnerability is that it can be uncomfortable. When we open ourselves up to others, we may experience strong emotions such as fear, shame, or sadness. These emotions can be difficult to process, and we may feel overwhelmed or out of control. We may also worry that by expressing our vulnerabilities, we will burden others with our problems or emotions.

Letting Society be the Judge

Society can be a harsh judge, and we often feel pressure to conform to its expectations. We are bombarded with messages about what it means to be successful, attractive, or popular, and we may feel like we need to present a perfect image of ourselves to fit in. This pressure to conform can make it difficult to be vulnerable, as we worry that others will see us as weak or flawed.

The media, social media, and advertising all contribute to this pressure to conform. We see images of perfect bodies, perfect homes, and perfect lives, and we compare ourselves to these unrealistic standards. We may feel like we need to present a perfect image of ourselves to be accepted or loved, even if it means hiding our vulnerabilities.

The Importance of Vulnerability

Despite our fears, vulnerability is an essential part of the human experience. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, to share our experiences and emotions, and to build meaningful relationships. When we are vulnerable, we give others permission to be vulnerable as well, and this can create a sense of trust and intimacy.

Vulnerability also allows us to grow emotionally. When we acknowledge and express our vulnerabilities, we become more self-aware and can better understand our own emotions and motivations. We can learn to accept ourselves as we are, flaws and all, and this can lead to greater self-confidence and self-esteem.

How to Overcome the Fear of Vulnerability

Overcoming the fear of vulnerability is not easy, but it is possible. Here are some tips to help you become more comfortable with being vulnerable:

Practice self-compassion

Start by being kind to yourself. Remember that everyone has vulnerabilities and flaws, and it is okay to make mistakes or have difficult emotions. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would offer a friend.

Build a support system

Having a support system of friends, family, or a therapist can make it easier to be vulnerable. Knowing that there are people who care about you and will listen without judgment can give you the confidence to open up.

Take small steps

Being vulnerable doesn't have to mean sharing your deepest, darkest secrets with everyone you meet. Start small by sharing something personal with someone you trust. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the level of vulnerability.

Embrace imperfection

Remember that no one is perfect, and it is okay to have flaws or make mistakes. Embrace your imperfections and accept them as a natural part of the human


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ARJ Gamingyt

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    ARJ GamingytWritten by ARJ Gamingyt

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