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Doctors claim ignorance while using prescription drug addiction

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration released reports showing opiate treatment admissions for drugs other than heroin up 6% over the last decade

By Willing WaysPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
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Over here at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore people come to the sessions that are conducted by addiction and psychologist experts people ask the questions like how they differentiate Addiction Versus Drugs Abuse Oxycontin and other drugs like Hydrocodone increased from 1% to 7%, including outpatient and inpatient treatment programs. Prescription drugs like this increased by 25% for all opiate treatment admissions in 2009.

Since its inception in 1996, drugs like OxyContin have accounted for hundreds of thousands of deaths nationwide. Yet, today, doctors are claiming to “not know” the addictive qualities of these drugs. The Director-at- large for the American Academy of Pain Medicine, Lynn Webster, identified an addiction to prescription drugs that started increasing about ten years ago, as “pain management” doctors began prescribing more of these killer drugs, seeing them as safe. In the report by USA Today, Ms. Webster claims doctors were naïve in treating people suffering pain.

Countless times the addiction treatment counsellors here at Addiction Treatment Watch speak to addicts and families who have told their doctors they were struggling with addiction, alcohol abuse and having problems yet the prescription still flowed. Many families had to threaten doctors with legal action before getting the drugs stopped. Having the top executive of the governing body claim ignorance seems wrong. These clinicians are those we trust to help us and are profiting from our misfortune.

Prescription drug addiction has yet to reach its peak. Over 7,000 kids try prescription drugs daily in the United States, and approximately 20% of these will become addicted. Adding to that is the number of heroin addicts borne out of prescription drug addiction. Many youths become addicted to prescription drugs and then move on to heroin, which is easier to obtain. States like Tennessee see this as a significant threat, and Florida legislatures are taking drastic measures to curb the distribution of prescription drugs in Florida’s “pill mills.”

Truthfully it’s up to the public to be aware of any substance they are ingesting, but if we are to place our trust in those that are supposed to know and care for our health, then they have a responsibility too.

Prescription drug addiction is taking a toll in many areas

From newborn children being conceived experiencing the severe impacts of narcotic withdrawal to states guaranteeing these medications a pestilence, physician-recommended illicit drug use unleashes ruin on networks throughout the country. Back quite a while back, "break children," or babies conceived dependent on break, were expected and were an issue. Habit treatment offices experience a high volume of break-dependent infants. However, physician-recommended drugs are presently a substantially more common issue.

In Florida, drug therapy clinics and clinics are encountering a high volume of children being pulled out from drugs, per a new article at CNN. As indicated by the report, the initial half year of 2010 delivered 635 newborn children dependent on physician-endorsed drugs. The infants "go through withdrawal side effects," Head Attendant Mary Osuch of Broward General Clinical Center's Neonatal Emergency unit CNN. "They're crampy, hopeless. They sweat. They can have fast relaxing. Once in a while, they might have seizures."

Many women will not seek help for fear of losing the babies, and medical centers fear losing the baby if withdrawal occurs in the womb. The kicker is that most of these drugs are prescribed to pregnant women. However, there is a large amount of prescription drug diversion in Florida, with many addicts becoming addicted to prescription drugs by legal means and then resorting to illegal means.

As with a state like Vermont, in 2010, more people were prosecuted in federal court for trafficking prescription drugs like Oxycodone and other opioids than any other drug. These drugs have accounted for over half of drug overdoses for six years. Surprisingly Vermont ranks second only to Maine for prescription drug addiction treatment admissions.

Furthermore, prescription drugs thought to curb heroin (an opiate), and prescription opioid painkillers like methadone and Suboxone are now serious issues for many addicts. These drugs are also highly addictive; thousands of addicts seek addiction treatment due to being prescribed.


About the Creator

Willing Ways

Willing Ways is the Best addiction treatment center in Pakistan. We are the pioneer in drugs & alcohol treatment centers with outstanding services and a history of 43 years. We deliver quality writing that is beneficial for you.

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