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The True Cause of Drug Addiction

For those in the substance abuse treatment and prevention fields, it’s not hard to figure out why we have such a drug problem.

By Willing WaysPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Best addiction treatment center in Islamabad

People are confused in the question Is there a difference between drug abuse and addiction the specialists of Rehab center are elebroate this question in the sessions that are conducting in Willing Ways Islamabad from where the addiction treatment experts are providing the quality addiction treatment and psychology related treatments at the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad patients are successfully in Is Millions of people need drug rehabilitation services or alcohol addiction treatment. Follow the money. It’s like a flow of lava encapsulating and capturing those who are unaware of the potential danger in its path. With all the efforts being made to prevent substance abuse, one has to realize... where the drugs or alcohol come from and who is making money.

The radioactive fallout from Fukushima has disseminated radiation via land, sea, and air. The long-term effects of this have yet to be determined, and there are cross and mixed messages about the overall damages and causes. One thing we know for sure is the source of the problem. Many safety issues may or may not have been addressed, and those who oppose nuclear power, specifically those in the coal, solar, or oil industries, would pump out false and misleading information making the actual data hard to discern. It’s hard for me to imagine that we, as intelligent as we are, cannot create a safer, more environmentally friendly, and less dangerous resource for power than any that we currently have.

Regardless of the source of the problem is known, the nuclear plant itself and those who created it hopefully be held accountable for the damages caused, irrespective of the reason the accident happened. If you own an automobile and have an accident, you must pay the damages, regardless of whether you are at fault. The more casualties, the more at risk you are and the higher you pay in premiums. The same should be applied to other areas of life we depend on.

Those who promote drug use should be held accountable for the havoc and devastation they create regardless of what kind or where they come from. Some might consider it collateral damage by saying, “look at all those we have helped .”No one wants a cancer patient to live in pain, but if we were to chase down the actual cause of cancer, we might not need the pain medication as it is. I have a hard time believing that with all the money raised for cancer research, we cannot chase. We do not know many of the possible causes.

We know smoking causes lung cancer, and alcohol and aspirin can cause liver cancer, but what about other forms of cancer? What toxins are causing these, and where are they coming from? Our food supply, cleaning solvents, or maybe chemically polluted air? Reducing the need for drug addiction treatment seems like an impossible challenge until people create these possibly toxic products and the possible damage they can cause.

Pharmaceuticals are the biggest money maker right now, and yes, they have created some chemicals which have made lives more liveable and less painful, but they have also killed millions and made money all the while. They do this with false, deceptive, and purposefully misleading information. It has been proven time and time again. But to get the drugs into the hands of the consumer, there has to be a conduit.

Some are getting our kids hooked on drugs, prescribing anti-depressants, stimulants, sleep aids, and many other toxins at young ages. This is all done by labeling kids with disorders and causing a yet-to-be-determined long-term effect on kids who are proven to be later chemically dependent. If you want to know why we have such a drug problem, please look at where they are coming from and who is making money.


About the Creator

Willing Ways

Willing Ways is the Best addiction treatment center in Pakistan. We are the pioneer in drugs & alcohol treatment centers with outstanding services and a history of 43 years. We deliver quality writing that is beneficial for you.

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