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The Color of Me

By Cindy CalderPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

A word is such a vague way of defining oneself, is it not? I am often asked what word I would use if I could only pick one with which to describe myself. Therefore, I muse to myself, what’s in a word that I may use one to accurately describe me? Does it limit me in any capacity if I use only one word? I like to think there are several dynamics and dimensions that compose the complex issue of who I really am, so would one word truly suffice?

Perhaps I could use a flower or the description therein of one to define me in lieu of a single word. I would then have to give ample credit to the Bard of Avon, Shakespeare, for the possibility of such as he said it best when he wrote, “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. And so, if I were to use a flower, I would choose the deepest and bluest of violets with which to describe myself. These flowers are so brilliantly made in color and striking amidst the overgrown gardens or the fields of yonder, never failing to catch someone’s eye. Yes, indeed, if I had to pick a flower, a deep, blue violet would be perfection to me and a most lovely, descriptive word. Nay I am not perfection or striking like the blue violet, but it remains true that these are honors for which we all continuously strive.

Through the many years, I have continued to gravitate to a rich, vivid blue, surrounding myself with as much of this stunning color as possible: with pieces of china, articles of clothing, books, pens and markers, artistic prints, household items, and yes, even shoes, and other accessories like glasses, believe it or not. So, therefore, it would be easy enough to deduce that I would choose to be defined by a vivid, cobalt blue if I had to choose a simple color in lieu of a flower. Or it is quite possible that the word blue alone would suffice.

I believe most find blue to be a source of calm amidst the revolving chaos. It is certainly a color that radiates all about us as we live and dance to our life's impending tune, ever full of a vibrancy that’s seen all about us in nature: in the skies, the butterflies, the oceans, the flowers, and the birds. I like to think that I am able to flit and fly about in the vast world, emboldened by all of nature that hums and beats around me with each step I take. After all, are we not one with the dimensional blue universe, even much more so than we often realize?

The striking blue often indicates a source of protection for many; I know it symbolizes such for me. Those who meditate or perform Reiki, often visualize a radiant, encompassing blue light emanating from the top of the head as it fully encompasses, offering the ultimate protection. For me, it symbolizes the highest of the realm of realms, or Michael, who himself is the embodiment of a fierce warrior and protector. It’s as though I can actually feel the height and breath of his massive wing span, wrapped in a cobalt blue as he moves about in his official duties. Magnificently and purely unadulterated blue.

So, since I am so very inclined to this amazing and vivid blue in such a multitude of ways, on this very day, I will choose the word blue for the embodiment of who I am, all that I do, and what I represent. I select the deepest and most royal blue to denote myself, knowing I have chosen well and will be most content. Thus, going forward, I am forevermore defined by the word Cyanic, or the bluest of blues.


About the Creator

Cindy Calder

From Charleston SC - "I am still learning." Michelangelo

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    Cindy CalderWritten by Cindy Calder

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