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Caught in between two worlds.

Life through my eyes.

By J.W. BairdPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
This is an actual screenshot of what was shared on the news back in 2020.

I have always been most passionate about my culture and who I am. It has shaped me and has been seen throughout my entire life's history.

I grew up in a town with not much diversity. Sometimes getting picked on by others that didn't exactly look like me.

I always felt like I didn't belong and was stuck between two worlds. I didn't fit in here, but I didn't fit in there.

I didn't hear much about my people's history, learn our language, traditions, culture, or what should have been shared with me.

I wasn't able to see much of myself within our curriculum. Always forgotten and referred to as a part of the past. Like our existence is a question, but yet I was right there sitting next to others in class.

It wasn't that hard for me to be proud of my heritage. I actually felt kind of special when others weren't being mean to me.

But it's a part of life, and we all experience things differently.

I grew up knowing that our culture is important. For our children and our children's children to learn, so they can grow too.

To see more representation within their community and schools. It's hard to feel like you belong when everyone looks so much different than you.

So I got a job within the school district to help impact others and make a change.

I went after my dream job. Then once I got it, I was reassigned under a new supervisor and every thing changed.

My dream job turned into a nightmare. I had to endure every waking minute of every single day.

There was no escape! You can't just punch out, or check out when your job is so entwined with your own identity.

I soon learned that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Services within this school district might not be what is meant for me.

So I look at a possibility. Starting a non profit within our city to teach cultural awareness and sensitivity.

To reach out to our educators, and make a difference within my own community.

To create art, and literature, events, and a place to share about our nationalities.

To bring in the young and the old, learn from our elders, about our ancestral ways.

To rebuild our culture and tradition in our daily lives, and have it not only shown in displays for other people's eyes.

There are many people out there that group us together, and don't realize we are not all the same.

With over 574 tribal nations across just the United States alone. We each have very different customs, languages, and traditions that make us uniquely our own.

So I sit in the midst as I discover this new endeavor. Trying to find funding has not gotten better.

So I rack my brain and put all of my college knowledge and my skills to use.

Hoping one day our people will win, instead of constantly lose.

To be an inspiration to our next 7 generations is all I hope to be. As our young ones, one day, will look up to me.

So I sit here in deep thought as I bust out some rhymes. I create to share on new platforms, and at virtual venues.

I dig down deep inside to see what I find... my life is filled with so many experiences I no longer have to hide!

Being a minority isn't easy, and if you're Indigenous... well you might as well forget it.

I lived in this city all of my life with dreams of escaping reality all of the struggles and strife.

To live in a community of school districts with claims of diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

Words without actions never meaning that much to me.

I grew up between two worlds... never quite fitting in or belonging, because I didn't play by their rules.

Learning of my culture and my history not taught within their schools. Trying to ignore their responsibilities as they lie to hide from their evil souls.

It's a hard harsh reality of having to live between two worlds. Not belonging to either one, by hearing from each side, your too much like the other one.

Not living in my own community following all of our traditional ways. But thinking for myself resisting assimilation in each and every one of my days.

Not having anyone to turn to, to support me, or advocate to hear my concerns. To be muted, and ignored, with each and every turn.

So I paved my own way as I traveled down this road. I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm extremely bold!

You may call me confrontational, or savage, when I'm just trying to be heard. To advocate for others, raise my voice, and speak these words.

It's never fun when you're stuck between two worlds. Never fitting in, belonging, or getting treated like one deserves.

You stop, you think, if you listen, you question why I repeat myself.

Because, those who claim to not understand or comprehend, need to be told not once, not twice, but every time they see me.

They will never understand, and can't relate, because they don't know what it's like to be a minority.

To be invisible, not heard, and labeled by society.

"Lazy, drunken, can't you speak English? Go back to your country, you'll never amount to anything!" Are words spoken meant to defeat me.

Although, these words may or may not have been directed personally at me. I take it personal when others near me, they share their stories, and what has broken their hearts.

To be knocked down, stepped on, and judged so poorly. When even at a young age this world was designed to hurt me.

Does not everyone deserve to have respect and dignity. To point out their amazing personality, and brilliancy.

To show our young ones all the worlds love and positivity. Showing them all their strengths, and possibilities.

I dream of a world where I'm not forced to be a certain way. A world I can live in without hate, and having to pay with our lives on any given day.

A world that is safe where my kids and grandkids can run outside and play. A world where our ancestors and traditions can be embraced and encouraged to stay.

A world where our people are not forgotten and labeled as something else.

A world that recognizes our history, and the price that was paid, as they scream more lies about Indians and our merciless savagery.

A world that was formed on the backs of others, meant to destroy and pull us apart. From the one thing that we hold so very near and dear to our hearts.

Our identity, our culture, our traditions, and our history... it's not just who we are, but who we were always meant to be.

So I encourage you all to stand up and be tall. No matter how weak or how small others may treat you, but know that you're strong, and no one can beat you.

Believe in yourself and always stay true! You're the only one in this world who can ever be you!


About the Creator

J.W. Baird

Who Am I?

I keep asking myself. I spent half of my life as a single mother. Pushing myself to be the strong independent individual that I have always been. My kids have grown and my life seems turned upside down.

I now search to find myself!

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