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Blind people wish’s

By Rimsha Ashraf Published about a year ago 3 min read

We are able to experience the beauty of the world, because we are able to see the beauty from our own eye. The role of eyes plays a very important role in any life form, because any matter for example, can be seen or experienced only through our eyes.

Eyes are the gateway for what we perceive and understand, only when we are able to see something, can we understand a thing in its totality, and we can realize and analyze situations first and foremost by seeing them through our own eyes.

They say, seeing is believing. What it means is, if we happen to hear a word or two from others, we may have our own doubts about their legitimacy, but if we have seen them from our own eyes, we can be sure of believing them.

Blindness alters this scenario completely. A person who is blind cannot experience the world the way a normal person does. They have to put extra effort on their other senses to compensate for the lost vision in their eyes and try to perceive the world from those senses.Blind people, unfortunately, miss out on a lot of experiences that many sighted individuals take for granted. Here are some examples of what blind people miss out on:

1. The beauty of visual art: Blind people are unable to appreciate the beauty of paintings, sculptures, and other visual art forms. They rely heavily on their sense of touch and sound to understand the artwork, which can be limiting.

2. The ability to drive: Blind individuals are unable to drive a car, which limits their independence and mobility. They must rely on public transportation, friends, or family members to travel.

3. Facial expressions: Blind people are unable to see facial expressions, which can make it challenging for them to communicate and understand the emotions of those around them.

4. Sunlight and nature: Blind people miss out on experiencing the beauty of sunlight, nature, and scenic landscapes. They may rely on others to describe these experiences.

5. Watching movies and television programs: Blind individuals miss the experience of watchingBlindness is a physical disability that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have a profound impact on a person's daily life. Blind individuals face unique challenges when it comes to performing routine tasks, navigating their environment, and socializing with others. However, despite these challenges, blind people are capable of leading fulfilling and independent lives with the help of the appropriate tools and support.

One of the most significant challenges that blind people face is navigating their environment. Fortunately, in recent years, there have been significant technological advancements to assist blind individuals in navigating their surroundings. For example, there are now GPS systems that can verbally guide blind individuals in real-time, allowing them to navigate unfamiliar places with ease. Additionally, there are also devices like canes and guide dogs that help visually impaired individuals navigate obstacles safely.

Blind people may also struggle with performing routine tasks, such as cooking and cleaning. However, there are many accessible home devices that can be used to help with these tasks, such as talking appliances. However, if you are interested in learning about and advocating for the needs and preferences of visually impaired individuals, there are many resources available to help you. You might consider reaching out to organizations like the National Federation of the Blind or the American Council of the Blind to learn more about their experience and perspectives. Additionally, you could explore assistive technologies and techniques that can help visually impaired individuals navigate and engage with the world around them.


About the Creator

Rimsha Ashraf

good life the best believe in your self proud Pakistani Allhumdulillah be natural be who you are

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