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Best ways to achieve self control

How to make others feel comfortable around you

By Patricia W.Published 9 months ago 2 min read

In today's fast-paced and highly demanding world, self-control has become a crucial skill to navigate through life successfully. It is the ability to resist immediate gratification to achieve long-term goals and to live your life the way you want to. Whether it's resisting the temptation of indulging in unhealthy food, staying focused on important tasks, or managing our emotions effectively, self-control plays a vital role in shaping our personal and professional lives.

By understanding the science behind self-control and implementing proven techniques, we can unlock our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives.

Self-control is not just a matter of willpower; it has its roots in neuroscience. Our brains consist of two primary systems: the impulsive system and the reflective system. The impulsive system seeks immediate rewards while disregarding long-term consequences, often leading to impulsive behaviors. On the other hand, the reflective system allows us to reason, plan, and exercise self-control.

Research suggests that individuals with higher levels of self-control tend to have better emotional well-being, higher academic achievements, healthier relationships, and greater career success. Fortunately, just like any other skill set, self-control can be developed and strengthened over time.

What can we do to achieve self-control?

1. Set Clear Goals: Clearly defining your long-term objectives provides you with a sense of purpose and direction. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life or even daily, it becomes easier to resist short-term temptations that may hinder your progress.

2. Plan Ahead: Anticipate potential obstacles or triggers that may challenge your self-control along your journey toward your goals. By planning alternative actions or strategies, you are better equipped to handle these situations when they arise.

3. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment. By cultivating mindfulness and by practicing yoga you can develop greater self-awareness, enabling you to recognize and manage impulsive urges effectively. Regular meditation or mindfulness exercises can significantly enhance your self-control abilities.

4. Build Healthy Habits: Habits play a fundamental role in our daily lives. By consciously building positive habits and eliminating negative ones, we can automate certain behaviors that align with our long-term goals. For example, if your goal is to lead a healthier lifestyle, gradually incorporating exercise into your daily routine can become a habit that requires less self-control over time.

5. Utilize Time Management Techniques: Effective time management allows you to prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks and setting specific deadlines for each task, you create a structured approach that reduces the likelihood of succumbing to distractions or procrastination.

Remember that developing self-control is not an overnight process; it requires consistent effort and patience. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures, and celebrate small victories along the way. With dedication and perseverance, mastering self-control will empower you to overcome challenges with resilience while paving the way for a more fulfilling future.

A good practice for kids for example is reading them books like this one on Amazon

The Impulsive Sarah May: Learning How to Use Self-Control - Children’s Book for Ages 3-8, Discover How To Manage Your Impulses & Develop A Strong Emotional Well-Being, Kids Emotions Books: Jennifer Gaither, Claudio Cerri: 9781957922096: Books

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About the Creator

Patricia W.


A few days ago I put myself this question: what would i like to do if i had to live only a couple of months, so that I find out what is my purpose in life. And this is how I realised that I enjoy helping people in need.

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