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Anxiety - Between Psychological and Physiological

Do you have Anxiety?

By Cheryl RamosPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Anxiety - Between Psychological and Physiological
Photo by Fernando @cferdo on Unsplash

Looking mathematically, we can say that man is the reunion of physiological and psychological aspects, levels that interact constantly and intertwine in a mutual determination.

The two levels that are part of our structure do not go autonomously, independently of each other, but exist and coexist in a permanent relationship. The same addiction is manifested in the case of illness.

The diagnosis of a disease we suffer from does not end its influence only on the organic level. Most of the time, regardless of the type of condition, the picture of the symptoms is "enriched" with anxiety and later depression and depression.

However, the link between anxiety and illness is bidirectional. On the one hand, anxiety accompanies a diagnosis, and on the other hand, generalized anxiety associated with depression and stoicism for years can lead to somatization, lead to organic diseases, or the onset of more serious physiological diseases (diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, etc.).

 Anxiety, inner conflict

Conceptually, anxiety is defined as a permanent tension and fear without a real basis, immediately observable. It is the first alarm signal through which, unconsciously, our psyche brings to the fore an internal conflict that cannot be resolved.

The tension and all the symptoms that accompany the state of anxiety say that something is happening to us, that something inside us demands its right to be understood and placed in an order. The disease is the one that destroys order, the one that produces conflict.

Most of the time, the first signs of anxiety go unnoticed and are often confused with fatigue, exhaustion, daily stress. Try to be aware of your feelings. They will not improve on their own.

Blockage or fear of death. Why me? Why now?

Finding a diagnosis (whether it is a condition with a higher level of lethal risk or something less serious), naturally produces a reaction of psychic blockage, shock. We get stuck in the face of imminent death, we are put face to face with the evidence that death is part of life, that sooner or later we will die. Fear is materialized by the disease we have.

Awareness helps in healing

This mental block often provides false protection through the denial reaction. However, it is recommended to understand the psychological causes, to be aware of the disease from a psychological perspective, to untangle the knots of tension and internal conflicts, to understand the imprints and psychic traces we have from our life experiences.

These can lead to the improvement of organic diseases and are welcome and recommended support in situations of physiological disease.

Victimization is not a solution

An important aspect in the inner approach of the organic disease states is the psychological attitude we have towards the situation we are going through.

The tendency is to enter the position of victim and to lament so that, instead of trying to understand what we feel, why we feel, what significance can have the ailments we go through, we rather give up and prefer an attitude of resignation.

Or this kind of inner manifestations will lead to diminished resources and the psychic potential of recovery and healing, the potential that exists in each of us. Unfortunately, in this Balkan area, this kind of manifestation is also part of the mentality transmitted over time. Therefore, we have to fight not only with the symptoms of the disease, the states, and the feelings that go through us in such situations but also with a mentality that, although it has started to change, the changes are in a slow and lasting rhythm.

For example, drug therapy is welcome and necessary in cases of illness, but cooperation and collaboration with psychotherapy interventions enhance and help drug treatment.

The disease leaves indelible marks on the psyche

The traces and the psychic imprints left by the physiological diseases remain manifest for some time and after its healing in a latent stage of manifestation.

But even if the organic disease heals completely, emotional resonances, fears, returns of psychological fears will be felt over time. A solution for improving the mental impression following such traumas is represented by following a therapeutic approach.

Seek the help of a psychologist

Medicine and psychotherapy are not excluded, but in situations of existential crisis where the state of organic and mental well-being is put to the test, they are completed and go hand in hand to rebalance the people in suffering.

There is no mental suffering without organic suffering or organic suffering without mental suffering. Try to find the balance and do not hesitate to seek the help of a psychotherapist if the situation gets out of hand.


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