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4 Types of Introverts

And the common misunderstandings of being introverted

By š’Ÿš’¶š’¾š“ˆš’½š’¶ š’².Published 2 years ago ā€¢ Updated 2 years ago ā€¢ 6 min read
Photo by Sharan Pagadala on Unsplash

Introverts are often seen as loners but there is a term much more powerful than that. Introverts are defined as individuals who are comfortable in their solitude. Whether theyā€™re watching tv, reading a book, or listening to music, they are happy and satisfied. With their ability to do things alone they feel restored, refreshed, and balanced with who they are. When introverts are surrounded by people all the time, they may feel drained and stressed because they donā€™t have the proper time to themselves. Being alone helps them to build their strength from within.

Perhaps, if you are introverted, you probably didnā€™t know that there are different types of introverts. I state this because I am introverted, and was not aware of this information before. Several studies have proven that there are multiple types of introverts.

1. Social Introverts

Although introverts may seem confined in their worlds, they can be social at times with other people too. This category of introverts often ties itself to a small group of friends instead of a large crowd of people. A social introvert only feels comfortable sharing personal information with a close group of friends/family. They arenā€™t shy and enjoy the beauty of socializing with other individuals, but even for social introverts, downtime alone is necessary.

2. Thinking Introverts

Thinking introverts have a higher level of intelligence. They are deeply rooted in their thoughts. I often say the phrase ā€œLost in the sauceā€ to someone who has their mind caught up in another place. This is thinking introverts who are spacey with people who canā€™t hold their attention.

There can be a series of things going on in the world, and these types of introverts can find peace in their worlds. Thinking introverts happen to be wanderers who explore not only their thoughts but their feelings. Due to their strong sense of attunement with themselves, they have more self-awareness along with the roles they play in society.

3. Anxious Introverts

Anxious introverts prefer to be alone. Being around other individuals can make them feel uncomfortable even if it happens to be people they are close with. When placed in larger situations they often come off as quiet/stand-offish, but in reality, they are analyzing themselves and every person in the room to their best ability. By doing so, many things are observed. Most of the time they would rather be alone than attending a birthday party, a wedding, or a concert.

This type of introvert may begin to build social anxiety by avoiding social interaction that may be required in some aspects. For example, working and having to communicate with your coworkers to perform a common task or greeting someone because they greeted you. Another example could be an urgent situation. If an anxious introvert is in big trouble, they will let their anxiousness take over them and disregard that they are in danger or they will find someone they can communicate their troubles with.

If physical reactions happen (shaking, increased heart rate, nausea, etc.) then this would be considered a form of social anxiety that may require professional attention.

4. Restrained Introverts

In a sense, restrained introverts are quite similar to anxious introverts. Restrained introverts get uncomfortable and take a while to be their full selves around others. When they are welcomed into new situations they feel that they are being rushed to do something they donā€™t want to do or may not be quite ready for. Restrained introverts are reserved, thoughtful, and dislike change.

These types of introverts are not afraid to go out but will prefer to have things planned ahead of time. Along with this, when they meet new people they are careful in who they interact with and choose as their friends. When they are alone it feels like a sanctuary. To be able to do their own thing comes as a breeze and itā€™s something they would prefer to do over anything else.

According to PsychGo on YouTube, restrained introverts find comfort in their routine and may also find it difficult to get their mind and body moving once they wake up.

The Common Misconceptions Of Introverts Addressed

Introverts Are Antisocial

Although introverts may come off as ā€œantisocialā€ or say things such as ā€œIā€™m anti-peopleā€, socializing is a crucial need for all of us. Itā€™s just that some people socialize more, and some people socialize less. Neither one is insignificant but simply different.

Introverts happen to fall on the scale of socializing a little less than others. As stated before in the different types of introverts, being alone is valued more, but that doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t willing to interact with someone who speaks to them.

When introverts do speak to others they think carefully. Some introverts may want to socialize more than they normally do but struggle with figuring out how to approach a person or situation.

Quietness = Shyness

Some introverts happen to be shy, but not all introverts. Some may be quieter than others, but it doesnā€™t mean that they are shy. Quietness may be because an introvert finds another person to be a stranger. Information about them is unknown so an introvert is observing who they are as a person.

Other times, they may not want to be involved in other people's business or personal affairs. Introverts always have a reason behind their silence that should be considered before making the assumption of being shy.

Introverts Are Unemotional

When it comes to emotions, introverts donā€™t always express themselves freely. Verbal and non-verbal signs are not always shown in a typical introvert. Some gestures or facial expressions may come off as a cue of disinterest. This can easily be seen as cold, callous, and uncaring. Whether we want to believe it or not, we all have emotions, but each of us carries them uniquely.

Introverts analyze their emotions and like thinking introverts they self-reflect on their behaviors/actions, but it is not always easy for them to break down their feelings with every person they meet because they are reserved in how they feel. This can cause conflict but rest assured that they will be considerate of how youā€™re feeling, thinking of ways to do things better next time on their end.

Introverts Donā€™t Have Friends

Most introverts do have friends, but their willingness to perform a lot of things on their own can easily be perceived as not having a social circle. Introverts happen to have several close friends they trust and interact with. Even if itā€™s not every day, they do gather with their friends once in a while and appreciate their presence.

Introverts donā€™t need everyday interaction to feel socially complete. Once in a while can serve enough justice for them. If they spend too much time socially, they will become exhausted.

Introverts Are Angry And Depressed

Introversion shouldnā€™t be compared to anger and depression. All of this will depend on a person and how theyā€™re feeling internally. Of course, there will be moments where introverts feel sad or angry about something like any other human would.

The reason why introverts may be seen as depressed is because of how much time they spend alone with themselves. The misconception of anger can also be from introverts not wanting to socialize in what is considered normal.

Introverts Need To Be Fixed

No person can dictate where a person/group needs fixing. Everything is wrapped in our mentalities and how we view ourselves along with others in this world. A stereotype is based around perception, not truth.

Introverts may not fit in with the typical norms of society and social interaction but that doesnā€™t mean their characters should be rearranged to conform to what is considered morally right. Introverts have their place in the world despite the agreeance or approval of others.

One size doesnā€™t fit all and this is only the sum of a few introverts. There is always something new to learn about a person. As there are vast amounts of introverts out there that have new ideas to share that may be out of the ordinary for introversion.


Source credited to: PsychGo


About the Creator

š’Ÿš’¶š’¾š“ˆš’½š’¶ š’².

A rambling Curious George who just doesnā€™t stop writing, doesnā€™t stop thinking, and never stops exploring.

Feel free to tag along in my pursuit of wonders. šŸŖšŸŽØ

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Comments (2)

  • Rakshit Shah10 months ago

    Well written article. Your article sheds light on the diverse world of introverts, going beyond the common stereotype of introverts as solitary individuals. It's an enlightening read that categorizes introverts into distinct types, each with its own unique traits and tendencies. The explanations provided for social, thinking, anxious, and restrained introverts offer a comprehensive understanding of the spectrum of introverted personalities.

  • I enjoyed reading this! Very well written!

š’Ÿš’¶š’¾š“ˆš’½š’¶ š’².Written by š’Ÿš’¶š’¾š“ˆš’½š’¶ š’².

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