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4 reasons why emotional intelligence is essential for leaders in the digital age

Unveiling the advantages of EI in remote team management

By Veronika HlivnenkoPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
4 reasons why emotional intelligence is essential for leaders in the digital age
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The pandemic has led to an undeniable transformation in how we work, particularly for many in the shift from on-site to remote work. In the post-pandemic era, working from home remains preferable to most. Buffer's State of Remote Work 2023 reveals that 98% of respondents desire to work remotely, at least part of the time, for the rest of their careers. However, on the frontiers of remote work, effective management has become more challenging, mainly due to issues with recognizing employees' emotions.

According to Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ," emotions are often communicated through nonverbal channels rather than expressed in words. In the virtual world, where face-to-face interactions are limited, the role of leaders possessing emotional intelligence (EI) becomes all the more critical.

Let's explore a few examples that illustrate how cultivating EI can significantly enhance a company's performance in a remote work environment:


It was found that 82% of employees would consider changing jobs to a more empathetic organization. Thus, by developing emotional intelligence skills, leaders can create a supportive work environment that reduces staff turnover and boosts engagement.

Empathy is an essential component of Emotional Intelligence. It plays a substantial role in the capacity to recognize emotions. Moreover, an empathetic leader can identify early signs of burnout and find solutions to support employee well-being through constructive dialogue. To conduct it, necessary to ask thoughtful and considerate questions that encourage open communication and understanding. Here are some example questions that can be used: What support or resources do you feel would be helpful to improve your well-being and productivity? How do you prefer to receive feedback and recognition for your work?

Remember, ignoring employee concerns or waiting for a difficult situation to resolve can result in losing a valuable professional and company finances.


A leader's consistent refusal to acknowledge the concerns and requests of employees may lead to demoralization. It is crucial to walk a fine line between refusing requests and maintaining productivity while demonstrating appreciation for their work.

To demonstrate the impact of emotional intelligence at work, let's consider a situation where two employees present business proposals for a new contract, and the manager must choose between them and give the answer via a video call:

Answer #1 "I've chosen the first proposal because it better aligns with our company goals. Thank you both."

Answer #2 "First of all, I want to thank you both for your great efforts and ideas. After careful consideration, I've decided to go with the first proposal. The second one is creative, and you've put a lot of time and energy into it. I truly appreciate all the contributions you've made. However, currently, our indicators align more with the first idea."

In Answer #1, considering the fact that it happens via Zoom or Google Meet, there needs to be more feedback given, and as the contribution made by the second employee is not emphasized, the work looks depreciated. This usually leads to demotivation, reduced engagement, and eventually burnout.

When leaders demonstrate emotional intelligence, as we see in Answer #2, they foster an environment where everyone in the team feels their voice is heard, and as a result, they feel more effective at their job.


Dynamics in the labor market and the wave of layoffs affect every member of a company, including leaders, but developed EI allows them to navigate through uncertainty. A strong sense of self-awareness, which is highly beneficial in the professional world, will enable managers to be in tune with their own emotions and to identify how these emotions might be influencing their thoughts and actions, as well as other people in the team. In a world of uncertainty, leaders with high emotional intelligence can be a beacon of stability and guidance for their teams.


Leaders with high emotional intelligence are adept at recognizing and valuing their team members' diverse perspectives, strengths, and contributions. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and open communication, these leaders create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, resolving conflicts constructively, and working collaboratively toward shared goals. This improves the overall quality of work and enhances team cohesion, trust, and morale, resulting in higher levels of productivity and innovation.

Investing in emotional intelligence benefits employee well-being and drives overall company performance and success in the evolving world of work.


About the Creator

Veronika Hlivnenko

Hi! I’m a Lead People Partner at AIBY, where my passion lies in cultivating a thriving work environment. My background in psychology empowers me to delve into the intricacies of human connections and well-being.

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