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10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication may be combined to treat anxiety disorders. There are simple methods that can be used to treat anxiety attacks.

By Ali RazaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

All of us feel anxious at times. Anxiety can be normal when faced with a difficult test or major life change. An anxiety disorder is more than a worry for someone with anxiety. Anxiety can affect relationships, school performance, and job performance. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, as well as social anxiety disorder are some of the most common anxiety disorders.

An anxiety disorder affects approximately 40 million Americans (18%) It is actually the most common mental illness in the United States. Most people experience symptoms before they turn 21.

Each type of anxiety disorder may have its own symptoms but they can share some common features.

Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms can include:

  • Uncontrolled or excessive worry
  • Feeling restless or edgy
  • Focusing or concentrating on problems
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Headaches or muscle tension
  • Frequent sleep problems

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication may be combined to treat anxiety disorders. There are simple methods that can be used to treat anxiety attacks.

These are ten easy ways to quickly reduce anxiety and let your mind relax.

1. Meditate

Research has shown that mindful meditation can help reduce anxiety and other psychological stressors. Mindfulness is something that we all can do, but it's easier to practice and make it a routine. You may want to start guided meditation using audiotapes and a smartphone app. This isn't difficult or complicated, but it requires you to be present and aware of what is happening. Simply sit straight up with your feet flat on the ground. Recite a mantra to yourself or out loud. You can use any positive sound or statement as your mantra. You can sync your mantra with your breathing. Don't let your mind wander to distracting thoughts. Refocus your attention and keep going. It will make it easy to keep your anti-anxiety tools in check by practicing a few minutes every day.

2. Reach out

It is important to tell a friend or family member how your feelings are. However, they can help you manage anxiety. Talking to someone, whether it's in person or over the phone, can help you gain a fresh perspective. Ask for what you need. You can ask for someone to take you to the movies, for a walk, or just sit with you for a while. It doesn't matter what the situation, it is always comforting and reassuring to hear from someone who cares about your well-being.

3. Physical Activity

Are you not a long-distance runner? You probably don't want to begin extreme training at this time. All forms of exercise can be good for you, and they can help with anxiety symptoms. Even gentle exercises, like walking, yoga, or tai-chi, can release these feel-good chemicals. You can do stretching exercises at work or go for a walk outside during lunch if you're not able to do them immediately.

4. Avoid alcohol

Because alcohol is a natural sedative, drinking it may initially reduce anxiety. researchTrusted source indicates that anxiety can be linked to alcohol consumption. Anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorders (AUD) are often associated.

A 2017 review that reviewed 63 studies found that reducing alcohol intake can help with anxiety and depression.

Heavy drinking can cause neurotransmitter levels to be affected, which can lead to a decline in mental health. An imbalance can lead to anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety can temporarily increase during early sobriety, but it can improve over time.

Alcohol can also disrupt your body's natural ability for sleep by interfering with sleep homeostasis. As we will see, getting a good night of sleep can be extremely helpful in reducing anxiety.

5. Consider quitting smoking cigarettes

When stressed, many people reach for their cigarette. However, smoking a cigarette during stressful times is just like drinking alcohol. It can be a quick fix but it can lead to anxiety.

ResearchTrusted source has shown that smoking early in life increases your chances of developing anxiety disorders later. Research suggests that nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarettes can alter brain pathways linked to anxiety.

There are many ways to quit smoking. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Trusted Source suggests that you find a safer substitute for smoking, such as toothpicks.

In order to make your life smoke-free, you can take up other habits. You can also make a plan and have a support group that can help you with everything, from encouragement to distracting.

6. Creativity

Use your creative side if you have it. Arts can help you get over anxious feelings. You can express your feelings through art. You can keep a picture of your "happy spot" or beach, and you can take a mental vacation. It has been proven that expressive writing can help reduce anxiety and depression. A gratitude journal can help you reduce negative thoughts and remind yourself of all the positive things in your life. Write in your gratitude journal before bed. This may help you fall asleep better.

It may be helpful to compile a list of tips that have helped you in the past so you can refer back to them when you feel overwhelmed by anxiety symptoms. We are here to help with anxiety. To get more information or to schedule a counseling appointment, click here

7. Get a good night of sleep.

Good mental health is dependent on good sleep. This has been repeatedly proven.

A 2012 survey showed that almost a third of adults sleep less than 6 hours a night. However, the CDC recommends that adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep by:

  • Only sleep at night if you are tired
  • Not reading or watching TV in bed
  • You should not use your tablet or phone in bed.
  • If you are having trouble sleeping, don't toss and turn in your bed.
  • Avoid caffeine, large meals and nicotine before bed
  • Keep your room cool and dark
  • Before you go to bed, write down all your worries
  • Going to bed at the same time every night

8. Deep Breathing

Anxiety can be characterized by shallow, rapid breathing. This can lead to rapid heartbeat, dizziness, lightheadedness, panic attacks, and even hyperventilation.

Deep breathing -- a deliberate practice of taking slow, deep, and even breaths -- can help to restore normal breathing patterns, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

9. Aromatherapy is a great option

Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years as a holistic healing method. This practice promotes the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit through the use of natural plant extracts as well as essential oils. Its purpose is to improve both physical and mental health.

Essential oils made from natural plant extracts can be inhaled or added to warm water or diffusers. Aromatherapy may be used to:

  • Relax!
  • Help you to sleep
  • Boost your mood
  • Reduce heart rate and blood pressure

10. Sleep

You'll feel more alert and recharged if you consume enough. You should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. You can get better sleep if you go to bed and rise at the same moment. Your bedroom should be kept cool, dark, quiet, and free from any distractions. Regular exercise can also help you sleep better. However, it is best to do it in the mornings or afternoons. Night workouts can disrupt your sleep.


About the Creator

Ali Raza

Introverted Pen is a concept that is how an introvert sees and perceives the world.

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