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How Insurance Companies are Killing Trans lives

The exclusion of policies toward gender affirming care

By AshPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Everyone has a soul, many don't know how one's soul can be trapped within their own body.

Most people can view surgery as being cosmetic especially when pertaining to the face or body. For most of us trans people, surgery is necessary to feel happy and safe within ones body. When a soul craves to be seen a way but is seen as the complete opposite, this can be extremely damaging mentally and emotionally, unfortunately sometimes physically.

Crime against Trans people

The suicide rate is high for a reason (82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide) and most insurance companies do not understand the reasoning behind this. It is the every day struggle of looking into the mirror and feeling this disconnection from your body and mind. Hormones can only do so much, many of us say how Puberty has messed up our bodies but the general public do not grasp now detrimental these changes can cause our souls.


It is unfortunate how we are only seen once we are dead.

Even then, the issue continues to harm others.

For those of us who do not have knowledge of grants or a way or means of setting up these fundraisers are left hopeless in fronting the full cost of these procedures which can range up to $100,000. For most, this number seems impossible and means they will continue to struggle to live in a body in this life where they are unhappy and only see one way to end their suffering.

Gender dysphoria is a serious condition, it is not a mental illness, it is a personal individualized neural architecture of one's brain that makes them, THEM. We have been imposed with social ideals of what our body parts mean and how we should act accordingly. But as we all know that isn't the case, trans or not.

Untreated cases of gender dysphoria can lead to misdiagnoses' of other conditions or manifest into other crippling disorders.

Understanding Gender Dysphoria

Trans people make up 1.4% of the US population alone, which doesn't seem like much to others but that is still 1.6 million people who are being affected by outdated policies and unexclusive insurance companies.

One of the main dangers of not funding transgender surgeries is that it can lead to a lack of access to necessary medical care. Transition-related surgeries, such as gender confirmation surgery and breast augmentation, can be critical for the physical and mental well-being of transgender individuals. Without access to these surgeries, transgender people may be forced to go without the medical care they need, leading to physical and emotional suffering.

Another danger of not funding transgender surgeries is that it can perpetuate discrimination and stigma against the transgender community. When transgender people are denied access to medical care and are treated unfairly, it sends a message that they are not valued or accepted by society. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and even suicide.

Furthermore, the lack of funding for transgender surgeries can have broader societal consequences. By denying transgender people access to medical care, we are depriving them of the opportunity to fully participate in society and live their lives to the fullest. This not only affects the transgender individuals themselves, but also the communities in which they live.

The danger of not funding transgender-related surgeries is significant and far-reaching. It is important that we work to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, have access to the medical care they need. This includes supporting policies and initiatives that provide funding for transgender surgeries and advocating for the rights and well-being of the transgender community.

We as a society have the ability to create a world where every human being can live their happiest lives being who they are and being SEEN. Activism must reach those in power of those who make these life and death decisions. Nobody should have a say whether someone lives or dies. It is simply inhumane.

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About the Creator


A fellow human being who sees the world in such a unique way, as we all do. Individual experiences shape our viewpoint and make us who we are, I only hope to share what inspires me and gives me strength to accomplish destined dreams.

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