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Ghana's VP Pushes Anti-LGTBQ Because He Knows Ghanaians Love Hatred

Ghana is a country where abuse and murder of women is becoming more common just like in Kenya

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 7 days ago 4 min read
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Tuesday, 11 June 2024

By: TB Obwoge

Mark my words, Ghana's 2024 election will be filled with violence, it has been happening for months, even since last year. Some Ghanaians have even been pushing violence on TikTok.

Ghana is becoming home to Black American hoteps, these are pro-Black American men who belittling women because most hate them. They also homophobic and about as racist as you can get.

Ghana's new Anti-LGTBQI will secure that not only will women in the country start losing their rights, but the violent men of Ghana that love to fuck, fuck, fuck will be able to do so in peace.

No media in the country are reporting on the rising femicide in Ghana, as a matter of fact one fake newsoutlet UTV News Ghana has stopped reporting on the cases of murder in Ghana. They were once the only ones reporting such violent murders of women, now they no longer mention the brutality happening to women.

There is an X accoun t that reports some of the murders of women in Ghana, even they too appear to be suspended for some days at a time. There WhatsApp account reports nothing. Videos and some news is even removed from their X account. Women in Ghana are treated like less than animals.

Which is nothing new in most West African countries, even Uganda and Kenya are now reporting more rape and pedophilia in the country. Ghana is nothing new, men having sex with children is met with laughter and even applauds, some might post a bit of public outrage but if there was any outrage someone would step up!

Ghana is one of the most lawless countries, people are met with harsh treatment from the law if they insult the president. Beating and killing women seems to be a part of Ghanaian family values and I've written about it too many times.

The Ghana governement can't even afford to build the over 4,500 schools needed to house their children for education, imagine the lack of funding placed in Ghana's prison sector? They want to end people's lives by throwing them into buildings worse than their slave chambers.

Even being accused of being a homosexual or knowing someone is gay without reporting them can land you in jail however there are some harsh items in the bill that will affect women the most.

First here is a video about the 'corrective rape' in Ghana, where men claim a woman is a lesbian so they rape you to 'correct' you. Note that many family members allow this, Ghanaians are being told that they only people who contract HIV and STI's in the country are gays and lesbians and the sex toys that they use.

With a 137 out of 167 ranking in education in the world, there is little to no pushback, at that low level of education quality you can convince a Ghanaian that they earth is flat.

This bill is the fake PanAfricanist wet dream, they're loving that the United States agenda failed in Ghana but they have no idea how life is for girls and women living in Ghana.

These PanAfricanist even hate women themselves and Bobi Wine said it best, the UK and US only care about homosexuals not Africans. In Uganda they're screaming Uganda is bleeding and they only thing western powers cares about is LGTBQ and it is only to prove their power over African governments not about gay peoples lives.

Ghanaian society is characterized by gender inequality, with men holding the majority of power in traditional households, the economy, and government. This inequality can be seen in many areas, including:

Traditional gender roles: Women are expected to stay home and care for children, while men are expected to be the breadwinners. Spousal abuse is more common when women work outside the home.

Education: Women are less likely to attend school and are less literate than men.

Property rights: Women have limited access to land and other productive assets, and restrictive social norms limit their ability to own and use property. Only 8% of women own land, compared to 30% of men.

Income: Women earn less than men for the same work.

Decision-making: Women are less likely to participate in decision-making, and are underrepresented in national parliament and private sector management positions.

Violence: Gender-based violence is high in Ghana, with about one in four women experiencing physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner. However, many cases go unreported due to victims' distrust of the legal system or fear of stigma or retaliation.

Disinformation: Gendered disinformation can portray women as unfit for public office, which can limit their voices and expertise in socio-political spaces.

Religious patriarchy: Ghana is a religious country, with 71.3% of the population identifying as Christian. Religious leaders can frame public discourse around gender and sexuality in ways that support a religious patriarchy and dehumanize LGBT+ people

Multiple Sources: Source 1, Source 2 WorldBank, Source 3, Bridge.Ew.Edu Paper

The above post from X, there might be some truth to this statement, Ghana's Sam George, part of the minority in the Ghana government, crafted this bill. He's never said one word about women and children being treated poorly in Ghana, he knows Ghanaian family values couldn't care less about women and children.

This man has done almost nothing in his time in office and Ghanaians couldn't care less, their hatred just pushes them to want to blame anyone for their poverty and poor governance. So Sam George came to the rescue and was even accused by a popular bloogger of possibly being a homosexual himself.

Oddly enough Sam George never responded as well as never answered for the fact that he possibly has gay people in his office.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights.

©️TB Obwoge 2024 All Rights Reserved

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About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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  • Andrea Corwin 7 days ago

    HORRID!!! All of it. You are good to share it, far and wide. Share it on X, FB, all of it. It is like the monsters have crawled out of the depths worldwide to control women and vulnerable people, the environment, all of it.

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