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Your Child, Your Children

Your happiness

By Imapoetbetterknowit Published 4 years ago 4 min read
The love of my life

Your child your children.

You've made a decision to have to keep, plan or un planed. You've decided to bare a new soul and go with the flow and take a stand.

It's grows inside of you through and through. You feel the rush of life growing inside and things start to make sense and you now know why you belong in this beautiful dream called earth that harbours us as life.

This little seed that will have a place on this earth. It will be born and grow inside of you. It's becoming a new soul. It's choosing to be a girl or a boy. It's cells are coming together to build a body to hold its true spirit.

The warmth you feel when you're carrying it. The sickness you feel, the hunger, the weight you gain, the stress you have and relentless restless nights, the pain you go through to grow this being to become whole and part you.

The time you decide to pick a name , the excitement you get just thinking about how he or she will look like? The happiness of fulfilling your dreams of making this human, you will call your own and excited to show it love, unconditional and can't wait to share with it your experience and when this little being finally comes to this earth.

when it begins. You've choosing a name and have dreamt of the path you want it to take. Teach it things you've experience in life. Then watch them grow into their own little souls, personality and features.

Once it's out and take its first breath, you would rejoice in happiness and just the true feeling of love the purest form of it. It is now yours and yours alone to share with others and your beloved ones.

The time has flown for me. Learning for my self to be a mother and a father at the same time and to finally learn how not to be selfish and now it's a new life has become and will become one in time.

Learn not to tell them to hurry up, learn not to rush them through each steps, learn to be patience, learn to love everything they do, learn to just let them be them and you just be you. Be caring and forgiving. Learn to hug as often and laugh as often. Learn to show them support in every way possible. Time will fly and it will show. Learn to take slow steps with them and sit back and watch them grow! And let them form their beautiful soul.

Read as often. Spend time with them to show them the world. Show them their will be pain a long the way. Show them trust and to give trust and respect. Show them to do as they please, and not just to listen to what others say coz it might cost then their dreams. You'll learn to show them the way one with laughter and love a long the way.

Time will fly and the seed you'll planted with another or made become either as single mother a father or a family. Either way you just show them enough love for them to not have any issues in future and that will go to show once you've seen the glow with love you see through their eyes.

That you yourself can't deny.

Teach them to be humble, go for their dreams, don't believe in no, you can't! But believe in yes, you can! Hold their hand and lead them the way for a better day and a better tomorrow.

Teach them to place their feet on the ground and nothing ever grows in their little corner of a bubble but outside it and just hope and believe and they shall receive in return the love they deserve.

Learn to let them go and let them grow! That's the hardest part but that's when your at the most proud moment. They have left you in confident and on their way to make their own story with their new seeds to grow that goes to show. They've become seeds to plants and now beautiful trees. Time for them to live out their dreams so you must let them go!

love poems

About the Creator


I love to write lyrics, rhymes, poetry & inspirational poems. I started writing when I hit rock bottom 2 years ago. Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to wake up and start working towards your dreams. Blissing in disguise.

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