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Would You Like to Share Your Fear?

Talk to me, tell me your fear

By Manisha DhalaniPublished 23 days ago 1 min read
Would You Like to Share Your Fear?
Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash

Talk to me about your fears

I asked the man I wed.

I don't have any, he says to me

Without any expression on his face.

Then days pass,

And I see him flinch when a lizard is close

Or get annoyed at bugs

Thinking that it's these little things.

Only for him to admit one day


That "like everyone else"

He fears the loss of his remaining parent.

"But it's a valid fear," he says.

"It's normal".

And I agree.

Because I DO feel the same way.

But how can I tell him

That I have horrible anxiety

Because of my fear

How do I tell him

That, my parents, easily a decade older

Than his

Are slipping in front of my eyes

Every day.

How do I tell him

That I can never choose him

Over my parents

Even though we're married now

That I will forever be

Duty-bound to the parents

Until either me or them

Goes off first.

So I just smile

And tell him, "yeah, same"

And then have another nightmare

Of being alone,



Oh, my paranoid heart,


Things will happen when it will,

I remind myself.

One day, it'll be okay

Okay for you to be sad

Okay for you to grieve

But also okay

For you to continue on

And stay happy

Because isn't that what

All parents want for their child

In the end?


I wake up then.

Look over at my husband

Sleeping peacefully

And check if he's still breathing.

He is.

Okay, back to sleep.

Stream of Consciousnesssad poetryMental Healthlove poemsheartbreakFree VerseFamilyCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator

Manisha Dhalani

Content writer and marketer helping solopreneurs achieve organic growth. Loves reading, eating cake, and having insightful conversations.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Shirley Belk20 days ago

    My wish for you is that you feel safe enough within your relationship to be vulnerable and tell him your concerns. I agree with Belle, here.

  • Andrea Corwin 20 days ago

    Oh the fears that living brings us. We don't know, so we can't worry about it. There is a saying, "If you can't do anything about it, why worry? If you can do something about it, why worry?" I get what you are saying totally (but am past the point of where you are). 🤗

  • I'm an only child so once my parents pass away, I'd be all alone in this world. So yes, this fear does bother me quite often and it's so difficult to come out of it. I'm happy that you and your husband would have each other. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

  • Glacier Heart22 days ago

    and how old is your parents ? they must be over 100 years old or i might be incorrect? dont want to jump to conclusion

  • Glacier Heart22 days ago

    whats your fears ? if you dont mind me asking that poem is missing a little taste.

  • Belle23 days ago

    Beautiful encapsulation of an inner monologue. ❤️

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