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Whispers of Love and Shadows of Sorrow

A Collection of Poems Embracing the Beauty and Pain of the Human Heart

By Gopi SaidaPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Love is most emotional

In the shadows of my heart, a love story unfolds,
A tale of passion, longing, and sorrows untold.
Through the seasons of life, we danced hand in hand,
But now I stand alone, on this desolate strand.

Your love was a wildfire, fierce and bright,
Igniting my soul with its radiant light.
In your arms, I found solace and bliss,
A symphony of emotions, an eternal kiss.

But like a fleeting dream, it slipped away,
Leaving behind remnants of love's disarray.
The echoes of laughter, the whispers of trust,
Now shattered fragments, turned to dust.

Oh, how the tears flow, like a river's lament,
Each droplet a testament to love's descent.
I traverse the alleys of memories, so bittersweet,
Where joy and sorrow inextricably meet.

The nights grow colder, as your absence looms,
The once vibrant garden now entwined in gloom.
I search for your touch, your tender embrace,
But find only the remnants of love's grace.

In the depths of my heart, a sadness resides,
A longing that time cannot easily hide.
I mourn the loss, the unraveling of fate,
As love's delicate threads disintegrate.

Yet, within this sorrow, a flicker of hope,
A whisper that lingers, a lifeline to cope.
For love is resilient, it knows no bounds,
It weaves its tapestry, in whispers and sounds.

So, I'll gather the fragments, the shattered dreams,
And bathe them in moonlight's silver beams.
For even in sadness, love's essence remains,
An eternal flame that forever sustains.

In the tapestry of love, both joy and pain,
Intertwined like the sun and the pouring rain.
For it is through tears that the heart learns to grow,
To embrace the scars, to let the soul glow.

So, I'll treasure the memories, both love and sad,
For they define the journey, the moments we had.
In the depth of my being, your essence will stay,
As love's melancholy melody continues to play.

Though tears may fall, and hearts may break,
Love's essence endures, even in its ache.
For in the realms of love, both light and shade,
A timeless symphony of emotions is played.

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