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This Must be the Place

My Home Universe

By Janet FreedlandPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

Though I live in a bustling city brimming with all factions of this sea of humanity

I’ve found my beach haven, my beautiful Venice hood, the perfect spot for me.

An oasis from this crazy town, a private place at my own pace to keep me sane

Where a serene peace of mind and the illusive trace of tranquility start their reign.

My Aura projects a forcefield that protects my home from the chaotic external world

A safe haven to abandon pretenses, where tensions and stresses become unfurled.

Comfortable and easy to slip into each night, like an old pair of shoes on worn feet

Here I may drop the mask that conceals my true self from the strangers that I meet.

Home transports me to a unique planet, the pleasure of this space I’ve known

No demands of reality, and what I should be- an escape to a place of my own.

In my secret realm I rule, the queen reigning over the deep desires of her heart

Where I let free my thoughts and feelings, these abstract derivations I do impart.

My favorite music permeates the air, as the cat purrs in harmony, what a mental bliss

A cup of java, a delicious dinner, and some sweet treats- here where nothing is amiss.

My cherished pieces surround me, keepsakes of the fantastic adventures I’ve found

To remind me of my memorable moments, a panorama of epic events all unbound,

Some proudly on display, to emote images of times past, my explanations to share

Some are packed away in parcels, my secrets to hide from those who do not care.

Blessed with my tribe, friends and family unite to empower with their unfettered love.

And a higher spiritual force, brings the intense oneness home from outside and above.

Though at times, I feel inadequate, alone in this world, I fear that void I wish was filled

But someday to find that piece of foundation from which that house of love I will build.

For now, I answer to no one else here, not restrained I express why I feel how I feel,

Pondering my reasons for this existence, seeking to achieve my inner spiritual ideal.

I ignite my imagination to reveal the artistic essence that is rooted within my soul

To create beauty, and positivity in this universe, giving delight is my eventual goal.

After my mythic musings, come some simple moments to relax and not think so much

Gotta let my brain go, being allowed to enjoy the now, so seems to me the right touch

While I unwind, and lay me down after a long, hard day, to rest my word weary head

Hoping to sleep, dreaming sweet dreams of happiness, while nestled in my cozy bed.

As I drift through streams of visions, a profound peace overwhelms, forged in this place

Restoring the joy and love, infinite energy generated from this home, my special space.


About the Creator

Janet Freedland

I have been an artist in animation, film restoration, and visual effects for many years. Now I am venturing into the writing realm. Feel my creativity can expand to exploring wonderful word worlds, verbal pictures for your imagination.

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