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The Whispers of the Night

A Poem of Secrets.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Whispers of the Night
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

In the still of the night, when all is calm,

And the world outside, is lost in its charm.

I sit and listen, to the whispers of the night,

As secrets are revealed, in the pale moonlight.

The stars above, they twinkle and shine,

As if to say, that all will be just fine.

And in their light, I see the shadows dance,

Revealing secrets, that were kept in a trance.

The night, it speaks, in a voice so low,

Telling tales, of those who come and go.

Of dreams that were shattered, and hearts that were broke,

Of secrets that were kept, and words left unspoke.

But in the whispers of the night, I find solace,

As I let go, of my fears and my malice.

For the night, it knows, the secrets of the heart,

And in its darkness, it reveals its art.

So let us listen, to the whispers of the night,

And embrace its secrets, with all of our might.

For in its stillness, we find our release,

And in its secrets, we find our peace.

love poemsnature poetry

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