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The Moment of Comfort

The Oneness of Our Heart n Soul

By CherilynPublished about a year ago 2 min read
The Dance of the Heart n Soul

It is the small things in life, we sometimes don't see. This is one of those hidden treasures for me. The night stars are twinkling bright. A warm gentle breeze touches my face as I laid my head on the one right place. A soft rythmic beat echoed in my ear. I let go of the fear. This one moment in time was mine. Laying to rest on your sweet sweet chest. The moon beaming through the crack in the shade, silently I prayed. Thankful for such a gift as great as this pure heavenly bliss. Laying to rest on your sweet sweet chest. Time may pass quickly. The sun will once again rise and set but there is one moment in time that I will not forget, Laying to rest on your on your sweet sweet chest.

Somehow I have always known you existed, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit. In just a small moment of comfort, you whispered it's all going to be alright. The place I felt the safest was always in your arms, even at the most brief moment. You protected me at all cost, even if may mean a possible loss. The day you let me go was the most selfless act anyone had ever done for me. I knew no one would understand but I didn't need any one outside of myself to understand. The truth had revealed itself, although it seemed at the moment a form of rejection I realized inside of my soul just who you were. Your words played over and over in my head but you were particular with what was said. You were meticulate and precise it was important for me to know, that you loved and cared about me. No one had ever done this for me before and this wasn't the first time you were selfless toward me, when I would give you gifts, you shared with me that the money I spent on you I needed to spend on myself. In truth I didn't know how to respond to that, so I found ways to be selfless to repay you and show you the appreciation that you deserved. The day you released me, you set us both free. I know that no one will ever understand our connection, I don't even know that I fully understand it but what I do know is that I am grateful for someone like you. The Moment of Comfort for Me came the day I met you there is no doubt in my mind. Our Heart and Soul Dances to a tune that only our higher selves can hear and although it seems that the duality we encounter here in this dimension only leads us to a game of running and chasing. Triggering and Mirroring. Our Higher Selves, Our Authentic Selves, know who we are and continue to fight for this connection, despite the pain and struggle. The empire that we will build one day will lead those that had only negative things to say, speechless and dumbfounded. Despite the odds, You My Love are the Moments of Comfort that can not be replaced or replicated with anyone else. Home is where I find myself, safely in your arms.

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